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  CEQA Public Review Process: On September 22, 2017, CLWA circulated a Notice of Intent (NOI),
                     provided notice in the Santa Clarita Valley Signal, and released the draft IS/MND in compliance
                     with CEQA requirements for a 30-day review and comment period by the public and reviewing
                     agencies.  The review period ended on October 23, 2017.  One comment was received from the
                     public or reviewing agencies during the comment review period.  CLWA received a letter from the
                     California State Clearinghouse Office of Planning and Research, dated October 24, 2017 stating
                     that the State Water Resources Control Board submitted comments by the closing date and
                     acknowledged that CLWA has complied with the State Clearinghouse review requirements for
                     draft environmental documents, pursuant to CEQA.

              Final CEQA Documents for CLWA Board Approval: The State CEQA Guidelines (California Code of
              Regulations (“CCR”) Section 15074, Public Resources Code Section 21092) require public agencies to
              review and consider the MND, the IS, and comments received during the public review period prior to the
              adoption of the MND.  Adoption of the MND is dependent on the finding by the Board that, based on the
              whole record before it, there is no substantial evidence, with the mitigation measures required by the
              MND, that the proposed project will have a significant impact on the environment, and that the MND
              reflects the Lead Agency’s independent judgment and analysis.  Exhibit A, an attachment to the
              resolution, contains the IS/MND and the letter received from the California State Clearinghouse Office of
              Planning and Research, dated October 24, 2017 after the close of the public review period.

              Additionally, the State CEQA guidelines (CCR, sec 15097) require public agencies adopting an IS/MND
              to adopt a program for monitoring or reporting to ensure that mitigation measures in the IS/MND are
              implemented to mitigate or avoid potentially significant environmental impacts.  The Mitigation Monitoring
              and Reporting Program (MMRP) is incorporated into the Final IS/MND in Exhibit A.

              All of the above documentation, including other materials that constitute the record of proceedings upon
              which the Lead Agency decision is based, has been and will be on file at the Castaic Lake Water Agency,
              27234 Bouquet Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91350.

              Final Design is the next step after completing CEQA in order to provide a near “shovel ready” project for
              pursuit of any available grant funding opportunities.  CLWA, SCWD and VWC have agreed to share the
              final design costs.

              On December 5, 2017, the Planning and Engineering Committee considered staff’s
              recommendation to approve a Resolution adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and
              Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program under the California Environmental Quality Act for the
              Central Park Recycled Water Main Extension (Phase 2A) Project.


              The Planning and Engineering Committee recommends that the Board of Directors approve the
              attached resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting
              Program for the Recycled Water Central Park (Phase 2A) Project



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