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documents contained in the administrative record for the Project.  Based on the
                     Agency’s independent review and analysis, the Agency finds that the MND and
                     administrative record contain a complete and accurate reporting of the environmental
                     impacts associated with the Project, and that the MND has been completed in
                     compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines.

                            SECTION 3.  FINDINGS ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS.  Based on the whole
                     record before it, including the MND, the administrative record, and all other written and
                     oral evidence presented to the Agency, the Agency finds that all environmental impacts
                     of the Project are either less than significant or can be mitigated to a level of less than
                     significant under the mitigation measures outlined in the MND and the MMRP.  The
                     Agency finds that substantial evidence fully supports the conclusion that no significant
                     and unavoidable impacts will occur and that, alternatively, there is no substantial
                     evidence in the administrative record supporting a fair argument that the Project may
                     result in any significant environmental impacts.  The Agency finds that the MND contains
                     a complete, objective, and accurate reporting of the environmental impacts associated
                     with the Project and reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the Agency.

                     The Agency hereby approves and adopts the MND as the Lead Agency.

                     REPORTING PROGRAM.  In accordance with Public Resources Code section 21081.6,
                     the Agency hereby adopts the MMRP, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”.  In the event of
                     any inconsistencies between the Mitigation Measures as set forth in the MND and the
                     MMRP, the MMRP shall control.

                            SECTION 6.  LOCATION AND CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS.  The documents
                     and materials associated with the Project, the MND and MMRP that constitute the record
                     of proceedings on which these findings are based are located at the offices of Castaic
                     Lake Water Agency, 27234 Bouquet Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91351.  The
                     Custodian of Record is the Board Secretary.

                            SECTION 7.  NOTICE OF DETERMINATION.  The Agency hereby directs staff
                     to prepare, execute, and file a Notice of Determination with the Los Angeles County
                     Clerk’s office and the Office of Planning and Research within five (5) working days of
                     adoption of this Resolution.

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