Page 11 - coccanyoncall_fy19731974
P. 11

Old  Mines  Lure

          Geology  Buffs

                By  Nona  Yates
           The  recent  geology  field
         t r i p  1 e d  b y  Winst on  wutkee ,
         geology  instructor,  with  more
         than  70  students  and  guests
         participating  was  both  a  learn-
         ing  experience  and  an  enjoyable
         break  from  the  routine  of  class-
         room study .
           The    three-day   (Veterans
         D ay  holiday)  trip  covered  the
         Randsburg-Johannesburg  mining
         area,  Red  Rock  canyon,  Olivine
        basalt  flow,  R ed  Mountain  cin-
        der  cone,  Lone  Pine,  Whitney
         Portal,  Dolomite,  Darwin,  Pan-
         amint  Springs,  and  Death  Vall ey
        in  California  and  Rhyolite  and
        B eatty in Nevada.
           Purpose  of  the  excursion,
         according  to  Wutke e,  was  to
        ''collect  rock  and  geological
        specimens  and  to  note  land
        forms". Num e rous specimens
        were  brought  back for  lab  study.
           T  h e t r i  p a 1 s o  e m p hasized
         "living  textbook  pictures"  in   Mike  Rosenberg  examines  tarantula  found  on  recent  geology  trip  into  Death  Vaoley  country.  More  than  70
         contrast  to  stati c  textbook  pho-  students  and  guests  joined  the  safari  led  by  Win  Wutkee,  geology  instructor .  (See  adjoining  story).
           Highpoint  of  the  Ransburg-
         Johannesburg  stop was  the  Y el-  Today  it is  mostly  a  ghost  t own,   turned  on to  light  thP strip. Thi s   Everyone  head ed  for  home  on
       ~  low  Aster  gold  mine  which  pro-  with marvelous  but  rottin g build-  ac tid ty  attract ed  l ocal  gend-  Monday--but  not  directly.  The
                                                                          armes  who  are  sensitive  bP-
         jected  the  district  into  prom-  ings, circa the late  1800s,  pPrch-  c au s e  o f  th P  pr e v a l encP  of   caravan  visit ed  Rhyolite  and
         inence  in  the  1890s.  Although   ed  on  the  hill s.         "ill egal  ca rgo "  flights  by  air-  B eatty  in  N evada  and  ins p.ected
         millions  in  gold  were  removed,   Students  converged  on  the                                 a  fluorit e  min e  own e d  by  a
        it stands abandoned today.       network  of mines  and  tailings  in   craft  in  the  area.  (Presumably   friend  of Wutkee .
           In  addition to  abs orbing    search of copper,  lead,  and  zinc   marij uana  smugg ling  from  Mexi-  Consensus  among  the  t-rip-
         geolog,y,  students  also  enjoyed   ore  s pee imens ,  fluoresce nt  min-  co).                 pers--and  they  included  parents,
        talking  to  the  "natives"  of  the   erals,  and  a  few  semi-prec ious   But  the  la w  was  soon  con-  as  well  as  COC  student s--was ·
        area,  some  of  whom  now  mine   stones.                        vinced  that  70  students  trav el-  that  the  excursion  was  simply
        tungsten ..                         The  drive  to  Death  Valley   ling  in  27  cars  were  not  invol-
                                          was  interrupted  by  a  stop in  the   ved  in an  illegal  PntPrprisP,   ''great''.
           The  caravan  camped  the  first
        night at  Lone  Pine which is near   Panamint Vall ey  to  pet  and  feed
                                          wild burros,  survivors  of a  hardy
         Whitn e y  Portal, gateway to    breed  introduced  by  early  pro-
         14,495  foot  Mt.  Whitney,  high-  spectors.
         est  p o i n t  i n  t h e  c o n t i n e n t al   The  caravan  (27  cars )  had
         United States.                   been  followed  all  day  by  an  air-
           Starting  from  the  portal,  25
         students hik e d  towards the    plane  piloted  by  Royce  Jones
                                          and   Jeff  Sen our.  The  plan e
         mountain,  some  reaching  the   landed  near  Furnace  Cre ek  in
         intersection  of  the  John  Muir-
                                          Death  Valley,  site  of  the  sec-
         Whitney  Portal trail,  well  on  the   ond  night's camp,  but  the  desert
         way to the  summit.              strip had no lights.
           Main  stop  on  the  second  day
         was at Darwin  where  rich silver-  In order  for  the  plane  to  take
        lead deposits were found in 1874.   off  that  night,  car lights  were
              Impeachment                   Al  Boykin:  I  haven't  given  it
                                         much thought. I believe  he's
             (Cont'd  from  Page  1)
                                          faced  with  many  decisions.  Be-
         in world  politics. The  only  area   e au s e  our society is morally
         in  which  Mr.  Nixon's  done  well   and  spiritually  decadent,  he  is
         in  is foreign  affairs  and  at  this   only an  indicator of that society.
         t i m e  w e  n e e d  s om e on e  who   If  individuals  were  to  change,
         knows  what  he's  doing  in  this   Mr. Nixon wouldn't have  to react
         area.                           the  way he  does.
            Bryan Tornel lo:  No,  he
         sh o u 1 d n 't be impeached. He
         ended  the  Vietnam  war  and  got
         the  prisoners  home,  and  I  think   Conklin,  Berson
         he's b~tterthanGeorge McGovern.
            Rick  Signoretti:  Yes,  he    Named  To  Senate
         should  be  impeached  because
         he  lacks  true  leadership and  he   Two new  members  have  been
         doesn't involve  himself with  the   appointed  to  temporary  Student
         people.  Any  information  on  wa-  Senate seats by President Duane
         tergate  has  had  to  been  forced   Nichols.
         from  him.  Anyone  who  shows     Judi  Conklin  wil 1  re place
         such  drastic  character  changes   Scott Dixon as  representative  of
         as  reflected in his  firing  of Cox   student  activities,  and  Peter
         to  his  hiding  f ram  the  American   Berson  will  replace  Gary  Fitch
         people,  seems  to  be  psycho-  as AMS representative.
         logically  unbalanced.  He  is  a   The  appointments  w i 11  be
         professional  politician  and  I   made  permanent  after  President
         think  the  American  people  are   Nichols  receives  official letters   Trip proved  to be  a  bonanza  for  rock  hounds who collected.many speer ..
         permitting  themselves  to  be  led   of  resignation  from  the  incum-  mens,  including  fluorite  crystals  at  Crowell  mine  (above)  near  Beatty,
         around like a bunch  of sheep.   bent office holders.             Nev.
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