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              Opinion                                                                                       Health  Center

                                                                                                          Aids Students
             By  Rick Signoretti
         If  you've  bitten  into  a  meat
      and  bean  burrito  and  ended  up
      with  a  mouth  full  of  sauce  and                                                                       By  Nona  Yates
      one  bean,  or  purchased  a  famous                                                                   If  you've  been  postponing  a
      Cougarburger and found  your teeth                                                                  visit  to  the  doctor  because  you
      imbedded  in  a  stale  bun,  or  pur-                                                              don't  want  to  go  broke  just  yet,
      e has e d  a  cup, ·1 of  coffee  with                                                              postpone  that  visit  no  more.
      cream  and  sugar  and  wondered  if                                                                There  is  a  Community  Health
      it's  muddy  water,  or  asked  for                                                                 Center  (CHC)  down  the  street
      additional  cream  and  sugar  and                                                                  that  is ready to help you.
      found  the  attitude  of  the  employ-                                                                Most  people  aren't  aware  of
      ees  anything  but  hospitable,  you                                                                the  services  it  offers  or  even
      know  what  I'm  talking  about.                                                                    that  it  exists.  The  Community
         Vencoa, the  food  service  com-                                                                 Health Center is  part  of the  Pub-
      pany,  has  been  in  operation  on                                                                 lic  Health Department  and  is  lo-
      our  campus  since  the  fall  of  1971                                                             cated  in  the  Civic  Center  on
      and·  the  quality  of  the  food  and                                                              Valencia Blvd. The center afters
      service  offered by  it  has  contin-                                                               help  to  persons  suffering  from -
      ued  to  decline  while  prices  have                                                               physical  and  emotional  problems
      continued  to  rise.  Almost  every
                                                                                                          and it offers these services free.
      item  sold  by  Vencoa  has  under-                                                                   Some  services  of  special  in-
      gone  a  price  increase  with  the
                                                                                                          terest to students are:
      exception  of  the  coffee,  which                                                                    The Maternal Health and Fam-
      if quality  is not  improved,  should                                                               ily  Planning  program  encom-
      be  given away  for free.                                                                           passes  prenatal  and  postpartum
         One  of  the  most  recent  price                                                                care  for expectant  mothers,  fam-
      i n c r e a s e s  h a s  b e e n  o n  s o ft                                                     ily planning and family life,  and
      drinks.  The  price  has  risen  from                                                               sex  education,  including  birth
      1 0  c e n t s  to  1 5  c e n t s  which   Unscheduled  segment  of  the  Homecoming  program  was  appearance  of   control information.
      wouldn't  be  bad  if the  drinks   Charlie  Tripp  in  drag  as  "Miss  Reject  of  1930"  and  "escorts"  Jim
      weren't  75  per  cent  water  and  25   Vericker and  Steve  Lough  resplendent  in  early-Mafia  fashions  in-  Drug  Abuse  program  provides
      per cent ice .                    cludingtommyguns.                                        '       treatment  for  drugs  and  drug-re-
         Opening  and  closing  times                                                                    lated  illness,  crisis  interven-
      problems  have  occurred  and  a           Boyer                   2 S,holarships                  tionk  group  therapy,  and  family
      settlement  was  reached~  but  not   (Cont'd  from  Page  1)                                      counseling.
      adhered  to  by  Vencoa.  The  time   to  obtain  more  money  from  Sac-                             Social  Work  provides  help for
      problem  and  solution  are  as  f al-  ramento."                  Available  Now                  persons  with  economic,  social
      lows:  Vencoa desired  to  open     Boyer,  who  also  teaches  at                                 and  emotional  problems.   '
      shop  at  9  a.m.  instead  of  8  a.m.   Kennedy-San  F ernando  Commun-  Two  scholarships  are  now   Venere a 1  Disease  Control
      This  action  was  agreed  to  with   ity  Adult  School,  received  his   available.  The  first  is  the  Col-  offers  examination,  diagnosis,
      the· sti pulation that  pastry  be   bachelor  of  arts  degree  at  Trin-  lege  Entran ce  Examination   and  treatment  of  VD,  especially
      available at 8  a.m., that  all vend-  ity University, San  Antonio,   Board  Upper  Division  scholar-  syphillis and gonorrhea.
      ing  machines  be  in  operation,  and   Tex.,  and  his  master's  in  ed-                           The  Youth C 1 inics are  de-
      that  the  grill be  open  for business                            ship.  This  is  for  minority  stu-  s i g n e d  t o  me et  the  special
      promptly at 9 a.m.                ucation at  the  University  of   dents,  Blacks,  Chicanos,  Porto   health  needs  of  adolescents  and
                                        Cincinnati.  He  also  studied  at   Ricans,  or  American  Indians   young people.
         The  Student  Senate  has  been
      trying  to  combat  these  problems   at  Edinburg  University  in  Scot-  planning  to  transfer  to  a  four-  Child  Health  provides  immun-
      and  is  appealing  to  the  student   land.                      year college by September.       izations  and  conferences  with
      body  for  help.  A  complaint  box                                  To  qualify,  the  student  must   parents  on  food,  health  habits,
      will  be  located  in  front  of  the                             be  a citizen of the United States,   and  parent-child  relationships.
      lunch  area  and  all  students  are                              receiving his  AA degree in. June,   This division also includes men-
                                                                                                         tal retardation clinics.
      asked  to  write  their  com plaints                               have  an  approximate  3.0  grade
      in  relation  to  the  food  service  on                           point  average,  and  be  in  finan-  The  Alcoholic  Rehabilitation
      campus.                                                            cial need. The scholarship varies   Clinic  offers  treatment  and  edu-
         These  complaints  will  be  re-                                from  full  tutition  to  20  per  cent   cation  services  to  persons  with
      viewed  and  presented  to  the  ad-                               of  the  student's  financial  need.   drinking  problems.  It  also  pro-
      ministration.  In  addition,  a  pe-                                 The  second  is  the  Mint  Can-  vides  assistance  and  informa-
      tition  form  will  be  circulated  and                                                            tion  to  persons  concerned  with
                                                                              (Cont 'd.  on  Page  3)    the  drinking  problems  of  family
      presented  to  the  administration
      and  the  Vencoa Company to  make                                                                  members and close friends.
                                                                                                            Other  programs  include chro-
      our dissatisfaction known,                                         munity, Boyer said:             nic  Disease  Control,  Commun-
         These  actions  are  not  insti-                                  ''I'd  like  to  bring  together
      gated  to  remove  Vencoa  from  our                                                               icable Disease Control, Disaster
                                                                         various  citizen  groups  and  the   Services,  Environmental  Sanita-
      campus  (they have a  contract  with                               expertise  of  faculty  and  staff to   tion,  Health  Education,  Nursing
      us  until August,  1974)  but  simply                              tackle local problems."         Service,  Well-Baby  Clinics,  Nu-
      to upgrade the  quality of food.
                                                                           An activist  who  believes that   trition, Occupational Health,
         I  sincerely  hope  the  students
      on  campus  will  actively  partici-                               citizens  not  only  possess  the   Public   Health  Investigation,
                                                                                                         Radiological Health,  School
      pate  in  resolving this  problem.                                 right  to  know  what  is  going  on
                                                                         in gov e r n me nt,  but  that  they   Health, Tuberculosis Control
                                                                         should  also  whenever  possible   and  Vital Records.      '
                                                                         take  part  in its  processes, Boyer   One  thing  to  keep  in  mind  is
                THE  CANYON  CALL               Carl  Boyer              concluded  by  inviting  man-to-  that  it is a  clinic and  cannot  pro-
           Puhlistwd  twkl'  monthly  by  studl'nts  at                  man  and  woman-to-woman  dia-  vide  hospital services. If you  need
           C ull,•g••  of  the  Cany ons.  Editorial  o pin-
           iuns  l'Xprt>s sPd  in  this  publication  a rt·   "Any  school  exists  to  help   logue  with  the  college  commun-  hos pita]  or  other  services  not  a-
           thost'  of  the  writer  and  not  nec rssarily               ity.                            vailable  at  the  center,  it  will  re-
           thost•  of  t he coll ege.   each  person  develop  his  own                                  fer  you to the  proper  place.
                   EDITOR              potential,"  he  said.  "A c ollege   ''I  hope  students,  faculty,  and
                 Rick  Signoretti      such  as  ours  should  help all  the   the  administrators  will  always   These  services  and  programs
                EDITORIAL STAFF                                                                          are  available  to  everyone.  The
           Fred Fink   Charlie Ippoliti   people--those  who  ar e  academ-  feel  free  to  contact  me  on  any
           Judith  Conk lin   Marc ia  Kent   ically  inclined,  those  who  de-  problem.  My  number  is  in  the   CHC  is here to help  you in
           Laura Raynor   Gary Filch                                                                     strict  confidence.  It  has  an  ex-
           DPbbit'  Hurd   Chris Carson   sire  v o c at ion al  training,  and   phone book.''
           Rosanne  Nocciolo   Deborah  Bush   those  interested  in  cultural  en-  Reared  at  Wallingford,  PA.,   c e 1 lent  staff of  doctors  and
           Nona Yates    Maria  l- 7 itc h                                                               nurses .
                PHOTOGRAPHERS          richment."                        near  Philadelphia,  Boyer  came   If you  have  questions  or  pro-
           Rima  Kent   Wayne  Huniphrt· y   Asserting  that  he  desired  to   to  Newhall  in  1966.  He  and  his
           NiJolt>  Kent   Maury  GtJssin                                                                blems,  drop  by  the  center.  It's
           Chris B,,sha   JPrry  Hornb<'c k   see  more  use  made  of  this  col-  wife, Chris, are  parents  of three,   open Monday through Friday from
                  ADVISOR              lege  as  a  ''resource  of  informa-  Michele,  9,  Denise,  8  and  Dan-
                 T(lny  Rt> m£>nih                                                                       8  a.m.  to  4 :30  p,m. The  staff will
                                       tion"  to  benefit  the  entire  com-  ielle. 5.                  be  glad to help you.
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