Page 15 - coccanyoncall_fy19731974
P. 15

Page  3
          Senate  Probes

         Voluntary  PE

              By  Rick signoretti
          The  Student  Senate,  by  way  of
       the  Instruction  committee,  is  in-
       vestigating  the  possibility  of
       voluntary  physical  education. The
       senate  representatives  on  the  In-
       struction  committee  will  also  be
       investigating  the  general  proce-
       dure  for  increasing  course  offer-
       ings on  campus.
          Since  many  students have  com-
       plained  about  the  book  buy-back
       policy,  the  senate  recently  in-
       stituted a  book exchange  program.
       A  bulletin  board  area  has  been
       designated  for  this  purpose  on
       the  north  side  of  the  bookstore
       and  students  may  advertise  their
       book exchange  on  3  x  5  cards.
          On  behalf  of  students  who  are
       dieting  the  senate  has  arranged
       for  a  diet  food  plate  and  a  diet
       soft drink from  Vencoa.
          The  senate  also  is  investigat-
       ing  the  sale  on  campus  of  news-
       papers  such  as  the  Free  Press,
       The  Los  Angeles  Times,  and  the   Ji II  Bedford  takes  a  bow  as  she  rides  past  the  crowd  in  the  parade  that  preceded  the  crowning  of  Home-
       Los  Angeles  Herald  Examiner.
                                         coming Queen.  Pep Squad  (left)  led  the  cheers.
       Hopefully,  their  sale  will  be  per-
       1;pitted  soon.                          Vets  Club
          The  Student  Senate  is  con-
                                             (Cont'd  from  Page  1)
       cerned  with  student  opinion  and
       suggestions and  has ordered      rules,  and  benefits  and  pass  it
       three  additional  suggestion  box-  on.
       es.  These  will  be  placed  in  the   Most  vets,  including  singlPs
       quad  and  IRC  areas  and  will  be   living  on  GI  benefits,  are  quali-
       clearly  marked.  You  are  invited   fied  to  receive  additional  count v
       to  voice  your  ideas  and  opinions.   and  state  benefits  such  as  fooci
          Last year two  ping-pong  tables   stamps  and  medical  and  dental
       were  purchased  for __ stud1=mts.   assistance.  All  you  need  know  is
          This  activity  was  an  immense   where  and  how  to get  them~ ·
        success  and  the  senate  has  auth-  One  of  the · club's  objectives
        orized  puchase  of  two additional   is  to  boost  passage  of  two  vet-
        tables.  since  most  of  the  night   erans  bills  now  pending  in  Con-
        students  a·r e  unable  ti  attend   gress.  Present  law  requires  vets
        social  activities  conducted  in   to  complete  their educations
        the  daytime, the  ping-pong  tables   eight  years  from  discharge  date.
        off er  some  enjoyment  and  a  break   The  Veterans  club  believes
        from the  academic  grind.       this  puts  an  unnecessary  dead-
          The  forming  of  a  closed-cir-  line  on  the  vet  who  might  not  be
        cuit  on - c am pus  broadcasting   able  to  get  himself together  for  a
        station  is  being  researched  by   while after  getting out  of service.
        the  senate.  The  station  would   The  most  vital  is  House  bill
        play  music,  make  social  activi-  8330  which w o u 1 d  remove  the
        ties  announcements,  and  offer   eight-year  time  limit,  thus  elim-
        student advertising.             inating the  present  VA  philosophy
          Toni  Ingram,  the  AWS  re pre-  of  ''Hurry  up  and  use  it  before
        sentati ve  on  the  senate,  is  or-  you  lose it."
        ganizing powder-puff football      Senate  bill  147  would  extend
        games. Women  students  interested   the  eight-year  limit  to  12  years.
        in  participating  are  asked  to  con-  The  club  wishes  to  thank  all
        tact her ,                       who  made  last  week's  petition
        -  To  assist  the  student  body  in   drive  a  success.  More  than  300
       gaining  a  knowledge  of  student   signatures  were  collected.  The
       government  operations.  the  sen-  petition  urging  passage  of  the   Sandy  Grant,  a  bonnie  COC  coed,  danced  a  highianltling  to  sP,irite~
       ate  will  soon  install  an  informa-  bills now goes  to  legislators.   wailing  by bag~ipers Chris Carson and  Brian Wilcher.
       tion  table  in  the  quad  area.  This   In addition  to  regularly  sched-
       table  will  be  staffed  by  Student   uled  meetings,  the  club  plans   Homecoming              that stage  of the  game  were
       Senate  members.  You  are  invited   social  events,  acquisition  of dis-                         leading  13-,--3.
                                                                              (Cont'd  from  Page  1)
        to  meet  them  and  ask  questions.   counts  from  local  merchants,  an                           One   unscheduled  act  r:e-
        Free  coffee,  punch,  and  donuts   emergency  loan  fund,  and  more.   ed  Student  Body  president,  an-  mained, . h9wever.  As· the  game
        will be  available.                See  Curt  Davis  or  one  of  the   nounced the  winner.  As the  warm   enc:Ied,  ( , BiCKL!P :  swung  in
          Student  Senate  meetings  are   club's  officers--Dave  Petrie,  act-  night  air  ex pl oded  in  pyrotech-  front  ofth~  crnwd  transporting
        held  every  MondaJ  from  noon  to   ting  Qresident;  Chuck  Crawley,   niques,  the  band  played  "Auld   still  an6th~r  queen,  "Miss  Re.:
        1  o'clock  in  the  Board  Room  lo-  John  Gilbert,  or  Royce  Jones--for   Lang Syne".         ject  of  1930, ,·,  cari'catured  by .
        cated  in the  Administration build-  membership  or  additional  infor-  More  than  one  damp  eye  was   Charlie Tripp in drag.   ·
        ing. Everyone  is invited.       mation.                          wiped  dry,_ among  them  that  of   Hewas  escorted  by  Jim  Ver-
                                                                          Miss Nocciolo who  was moved  to   ricker  and  Steve  Lough  dressed
              Scholarship                show  potential  in  his  or  her   shed  a  tear  or  two  of  happiness.   in the style of Chicagoland
                                                                                                           type  mobsters,  tommyguns  and
                                                                            Final  scheduled  act  in  the
            (Cont'd.  from  Page  2)     chosen  career  field,  have  a   half-time  program  was  presenta-  all.                  .
        yon  Mo9se  Scholarship for  $250.   high  citizenship  rating,  and  be   tion  of  the  William  G.  Bonelli   The  Homecoming  Queen  and
        This  scholarship  is  available   in  financial  need.  Although  the   scholarships  to  student  body   her  court  topped  ·of'  the' rnemo- ·
        to  a  student  in  a  vocational   student  does  not  need  a  3.0   presidents  of Hart High and  Can-  rable  night · with  a  post-game
        (non-transferable)  program  only.   grade  point  average,  he  must   yon  High,  but  the  ritual  was   dinner  at  the  Backwoods  Inn,·
          The  student  to  qualify  must   live  in  the  Santa  Clarita  Com-  cut  short  by  the  reappearance   courtesy  of the  ASB. ·
        have completed  24  units at COC,   munity College district.      of  the  charging  Cougars  who  at   Good show,everyone.
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