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Statue of Liberty National MOllumJ!nI   Statue of Liberty Narional Monument
           CATEGORY:        Deciduous Tree
                                               FOR ALL TREES -
           AREAS:           4-SoulhLawn
           FEATURE NAME:    London Planetn=e (Platanus xaccrifolia)   I.r.amlIJ,an1.Springisthtbesttimc:lOU'ansplaru~.
           SOURCE OF lDENTIFICATlON:   Al  Farrugkl,.sTU Horticulturist.  1992   Usnil or!r.aranalysj. jOOk;aI(Slbalft:oiljn:risnccdcd, late fall  is thtbc:st timc:  to fenilize
                                               ~ .  However, fertilizer may also be applied  in  early  Spring.  before bud break.  Use an
           DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS:        organic  fertilizer  willi  the  micronutricnlS  needed,  sucli  IlS  manganese.  Iftht  lawn  area
           The:  fruit  of London Plane Tree is  typically  in clusten of2, leave$ are large,  S -10'  widlh   below  the  trees  is  rt:eeiving  fertilizer,  additional  fertilizer  is  001  nccessary.  Ligbtannual
           whereas the fruit of American Sycamore is singular, and leaves are slightly smaller.
                                               pruning throughout the tree tends to reduce tht amouru of fertlizer ntt.ded.
           London Plane trees ~re specified in the Genenl Developmeru Plan by Norman Newton in   LONDON PLANE TREES-
           1937 (Newton,  N. T .  Design on the  Land. Harvard  University Press,  1971,  p.  S43).
                                               ~ Take prevelU.Btive  IIClions  10  protecl  tht base ofeJ(:h  tree  from  string
           PRESERVATION PRACI'ICES AND WORK PROCEDURES:   trimmer damage.  Train all equipmeru operaton.
           Wintet'-                            Monitor a'" trr'l'nrhracoosc  Prolonged periods of cool, mobt, damp spring weather will
           I:DuJr:: out dead, damaged  wood and watcrsproulS as needed .  Inspect for interior decay and   increase anthracnose.  The:  best times  10  control  anthracnose are before bud  break, at bud
           pest damage.  Disinfect toolS  betwc:cn CUls  10  prevent spread ofcankenl.lin disease.
                                               break, and when leaves haveexpatUed.
           Spring -
           ~ Take preventative actions  to protect the  basc:  ofeacb tree  from  string   LlNDENS-
           trimmer damage.  Tnin all equipment operaton.
           Monjro[,od !m! 'n!bracoosr  Prolonged periods of cool, moist, damp spring weather will
                                               fnuIu!ul crossing branches on young trttI.
           increaseanlhracnose.  The:  best timcl 10  comrol antbracnose are befure bud  break,at bud
           break,andwbenleavcshaveexpanded.    LAWN-
           I.wlsp.I.aDl.  Spring is  the best timc: to transplant trees.
           SUIDIDff'-                          ~ in  the early spring to  remove  mattcd graS$  and accumulated  debris.  De-
           Yla.ltL.newly  transplanted trees  so that thty reeeiveone illCh  of water every  10 days.  To   thatch lawn areas where match accumulation excceds 3f4 of an incb.
           water.  set up water bags around tht base of tht tree at the end of tht day.  Remove empty
           bags in the morning.  Do 001 overwater.   Aeon,. with. mrr 'CrntQr,  lawn areas that are heavily compacted.  However, do not aerate
           Fan  -                              aroundthetltl'sbecauscofshallowroou.
           BaG.. up LolKion Plane tree leaves Ind dispose off sill' to remove anthracnose  inoculum.
                                               fkRjD rMwjnp aoo trjmming oncfJIjODS  Instruct In equipmeru opeaton on how to prevent
           Pesls ·  Plum  Borer, La;anium Scale. Sycamore Lace Bug,  Aphids,  Fall Webworm   damage to tn=e  trunb.
           Diseases - Anthracnose. Cankerstain, WClwood,  Powdery  Mildew   ~ Send  soil  samples  to  Coopcnltive  EAtcnsionService  for  analysis  of pH,
           Culrural  Problems - Susceptible to drought stress, frequently produces watersproulS, often
           vandalized by carving in bark.      phosphorus and poI.Issium  levels.  Apply  lime and  fenilizer as necessary to adjUSt  tht soil
           with  nursery slock.  Consider anthnK:nose  resistant cultivan that  an:  similiar in  size and   &I::tiliz,c.  in  latc  May  or early June  willi an organic fertilizer with  an  analysis  ofS-4-3 or
           cbaracter 10  tht stnight species.   equi~alelll .  Apply at a rate of one pound of nitrogen per 1000 square fect.  This b  the first
                                               oflhrec annual Ipplications.
           PROPAGATION METHOD;  Take root cunings in July or Augusl.  Treat wilh IBA.                    1I1'llt,
                                               Inspect lawn areas for pe515 (grubs) and disease (leaf spot.  leaf smut) damage.
           ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION:                                                            t'\'t!!;
           Shigo, Alex  L.  A New Tree Biology.  Durham NH :  Shigo & Trees,  Assoc.,  1986              tI l l  It! ,
           Sinclair, Lyon &  Johnson.  Diseases of Trees &  Sbrubs. Ithaca NY : Cornell U. Press,  1981.   t  :+1
         Figure C - Feature Data: For each feature that   Figure D - Calendar for Monitoring and for   Figure E - Record Keeping: A record sheet is
         requires special care, a detailed sheet is   Work: All feature-specific monitoring and work   created for each type of feature.  Maintenance
         developed.  This contains notes on when to   recommendations are combined into one seasonal   staff may record information relating to changes
         monitor and carry out work, specific procedures,   calendar for all areas of the landscape to ensure   in condition, major work performed, removal,
         cite potential problems, and perform repair or   that important work activities are not   replacement, propagation and any other events.
         replacement.                        overlooked.                         As records are added too through the years, they
                                                                                 become a valuable source of documentation of the
                                                                                 landscape's history.
       Because landscapes change through the seasons, specifications   highlighted.  Ideally, this information should be shared with
       for ongoing preservation maintenance should be organized in   interested national organizations for further dissemination
       a calendar format.  During each season or month, the calendar   and evaluation.
       can be referenced to determine when, where, and how        The need for further research or additional activities should
       preservation maintenance is needed.  For example, for some   also be documented.  This may include site-specific or
       trees structural pruning is best done in the late winter while   contextual historical research, archeological investigations,
       other trees are best pruned in the late summer.  Serious pests   pollen analysis, search for rare or unusual plant materials,
       are monitored at specific times of the year, in certain stages of   or, material testing for future applications.
       their life cycle.  This detailed calendar will in turn Identify   Finally, in consultation with a conservator or archivist-to
       staff needs and work priorities.
                                                                  maximize the benefit of project work and to minimize the
       Depending on the level of sophistication desired, one      potential of data loss-all primary documents should be
       approach to documenting maintenance data and recording     organized and preserved as archival materials. This may
       change over time is to use a computerized geographical or   include field notes, maps, drawings, photographs, material
       visual information system.B Such a system would have the
                                                                  samples, oral histories and other relative information.
       capability to include plans and photographs that would focus
       on a site's landscape features.                            Summary
       If a computer is not available, a manual or notebook can be   The planning, treatment, and maintenance of cultural
       developed to organize and store important information.  This   landscapes requires a multi-disciplinary approach.  In
       approach allows managers to start at any level of detail and to   landscapes, such as parks and playgrounds, battlefields,
       begin to collect and organize information about landscape   cemeteries, village greens, and agricultural land preserves-
       features (see Box opposite and above).  The value of these   more than any other type of historic resource-communities
       maintenance records cannot be overstated.  These records will
                                                                  rightly presume a sense of stewardship.  It is often this grass
       be used in the future by historians to understand how the
                                                                  roots commitment that has been a catalyst for current research
       landscape has evolved with the ongoing care of the
                                                                  and planning initiatives. Individual residential properties
       maintenance staff.
                                                                  often do not require the same level of public outreach, yet a
       Recordin~ Treatment Work and Future                        systematic planning process will assist in making educated
       Research "Recommendations                                  treatment, management and maintenance decisions.
                                                                  Wise stewardship protects the character, and or  spirit of a
       The last and ongoing step in the preservation planning
       process records the treatment work as carried out.  It may   place by recognizing history as change over time.  Often,
       include a series of as-built drawings, supporting photographic   this also involves our own respectful changes through
                                                                  treatment.  The potential benefits from the preservation of
       materials, specifications and a summary assessment.  New
                                                                  cultural landscapes are enormous. Landscapes provide
       technologies that have been successfully used should be
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