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scenic, economic, ecological, social, recreational and      1991; A Reality Check for Our Nation's Parks, Volume 16,
          educational opportunities that help us understand ourselves   No.4, 1993; Historic Transportation Corridors, Volume 16,
          as individuals, communities and as a nation.  Their ongoing   No. 11, 1993; and, The Interpretation of Cultural
           preservation can yield an improved quality of life for all,   Landscapes, Volume 17, No.8, 1994.
          and, above all, a sense of place or identity for future     Pioneers of American Landscape Design: An Annotated
          generations.                                                Bibliography, Preservation Assistance Division, 1993
          Selected Reading                                            Making Educated Decisions: A Landscape Preservation
          Birnbaum, Charles A, guest editor. Preservation Forum.      Bibliography, Preservation Assistance Division, 1994
           "Focus  on Landscape Preservation". Washington, D.C.:      (ISBN:0-16-045145-0)
          National Trust for Historic Preservation, Volume 7, No.3,   National Register Bulletin 18: How to Evaluate and Nominate
          May/June 1992.                                              Designed Historic Landscapes; National Register Bulletin 30:
                                                                      Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Rural Historic
          Buggey Susan, guest editor. APT Bulletin. Special Issue:
          Conserving Historic Landscapes. Fredericksburg, VA:         Landscapes; National Register Bulletin 40: Guidelines for
          Association for Preservation Technology International,      Evaluating and Registering Battlefields; and, National
          Volume XXIV, No. 3-4, 1992.                                 Register Bulletin 41: Guidelines for Evaluating and
          Burns, John A, and the Staff of HABS/HAER. Recording        Registering Cemeteries, Interagency Resources Division.
          Historic Structures. American Institute of Architects Press,   Endnotes
          1989. (Includes chapter on the documentation of Meridian
          Hill Park, pp. 206-219.)                                 1 The cultural landscape definitions are contained in NP5-28, Cultural Resource
          Diehl, Janet and Thomas S. Barrett, et al. The Conservation   Management Guideline, Release No.4, 1994, National Park Service.
          Easement Handbook. Managing Land Conservation and Historic   2 For an expanded list of offices to contact, see America's Ltmdscape Legacy
          Preservation Easement Programs, The Land Trust Exchange   brochure.  Free from the National Park Service Preservation Assistance
          (now Alliance) and the Trust for Public Land, 1988.      Division.
                                                                   3 From Kelso, William, A Rqurt on the Archeological ExClllXltion at Monticello,
          International CommIttee of Historic Gardens and Sites,   Charlottesville, VA, 1979-1981, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, 1982.
          ICOMOS-IFLA. Jardins et Sites Historiques, Scientific Journal.   4'Lewis, Pierce, "Common Landscapes as Historic Documents," Lubar, Steven
          ICOMOS 1993. Compilation of papers on the subject, in    and Kingery, W. David (eds.), Essays on Material Culture, Smithsonian Institution
          both english and french.                                 Press, Washington, IX, 1993, p. 138.
          Kelso, William M., and Rachel Most. Earth Patterns: Essays   5 Meinig, D. W. 'The Beholding Eye: Ten Versions of the Same Scene," The
          in Landscape Archaeology. Charlottesville, VA: University   Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes, Oxford University Press, New York,
          Press of Virginia, 1990.                                 1979, pp. 3348.
          Stokes, Samuel, N., et al. Saving America's Countryside: A   6 See National Park Service National Register Bulletins under Selected Reading
          Guide to Rural Conservation. Baltimore and London: John   (opposite).
          Hopkins University Press, 1989.                          7 The Historic American Buildings Survey, HABS, has generated standards for
                                                                    landscape documentation that they now utilize on a number of projects.
          Tishler, William, editor. American Landscape Architecture,   Specifically, a case study on recording historic landscapes is included in
          Designers and Places. Washington, DC: The Preservation   Recording Historic Structures, pp. 206-219.  See Selected Reading (opposite).
          Press, 1989.
                                                                   8 This is being undertaken with technical assistance from the Olmsted Center
          Several publications available from the National Park    for Landscape Preservation a partnership between the National Park Service
          Service deal directly with the preservation of historic   and the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University that provides cultural
          landscapes. These include:                               landscape technical assistance, technology development and training.
             America's Landscape Legacy, Brochure, Preservation    9 See National Register Bulletin 16A: Haw to Complete the National Register
             Assistance Division, 1992.                            Registration Form. Washington, DC: Us. Department of the Interior, National
                                                                   Park Service, Interagency Resources Division, 1991.
             Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Landscapes,   10 Ibid.
             Preservation Assistance Division, 1992 (Draft).
                                                                   11 The standards are general principles for the treatment of buildings, structures,
             Case Studies in Landscape Preservation, Preservation   sites, objects, districts and landscapes. The treatment standards are one set of
             Assistance Division in cooperation with the Alliance for   standards included in the broader group known as the Secretary of the Interior's
             Landscape Preservation, 1995.                         Standards for Archaeology and Historic Preseroation.
             Cultural Landscapes Bibliography: An Annotated        12 The Secretary of the Interior is responsible for establishing professional
             Bibliography of Resources in the National Park System, Park   standards and providing advice on the preservation and protection of all
             Historic Architecture Division, 1992.                 cultural resources listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic
                                                                   Places.  For a copy of the brochure, The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the
             Historic Landscape Directory; A Source Book of Agencies,   Treabnent of Historic Properties, 1992 contact the National Park Service
             Organizations, and Institutions Providing Information   Preservation Assistance Division (424) Box 37127 Washington, IX 20013-7127.
             on Historic Landscape Preservation, Preservation      13 A visual information system, a computer-aided mapping program with a
             Assistance Division, 1991.                            linked database, has been developed for the historic landscape at the Frederick
             CRM, Cultural Resource Management, Thematic Issues:   Olmsted National Historic Site.  Data can be accessed directly from a digitized
             The Preservation of Cultural Landscapes, Volume 14, No.6,   map such as information on each plant including identification, age, location,
                                                                   size, condition, and maintenance history.
          This publication has been prepared pursuant to the National Historic   Center for Landscape Preservation at the Frederick Law Olmsted National
          Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, which directs the Secretary of the Interior   Historic Site including Margie Coffin, Lauren Meier, Nora Mitchell, and Charlie
          to develop and make information concerning historic properties.  Comments on   Pepper provided invaluable support.  In particular, the proposed rewrite on
          the usefulness of this publication may be directed to H. Ward Jandl, Deputy   preservation maintenance and historic plant materials was written by Margie
          Chief, Preservation Assistance Division, National Park Service, P. O.  Box 37127,   Coffin.  Significant contributions were also made by Patricia M. O'Donnell, Linda
          Washington, D.C. 20013-7127.  This publication is not copyrighted and can be   McClelland, Ellen Lipsey, Christine Capella Peters, Robert Page, Ian Firth and
          reproduced without penalty.  Normal procedures for credit to the author and the   Robert Melnick.  Useful comments and technical assistance were provided by
          National Park Service are appreciated.                   regional NPS staff (Mary Hughes, Lucy Lawliss, Jill Cowley, Sherda Williams,
          The author, Charles A. Birnbaum, Coordinator, Historic Landscape Initiative,   Michael Crowe, Robbyn Jackson) and staff at the Preservation Assistance
          Preservation Assistance Division, National Park Service would like to   Division (Cheryl Wagner, Michael Auer and Anne Grimmer).
          acknowledge the assistance of H. Ward Jandl and Kay Weeks.  The Olmsted   September 1994

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