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                of  strat1graph1o  oolumns  impossible.  It also makes

                som~  highway . and  railroad  exeava.tions  extremel7  d1ft1oul t

                to  interpret  1n  terms  of  lithology.

                               The  diagrammatic  section,  Figure  2,  ahowa

                the  general  relations  existing  between  the  four

                sedimentary- formations  as  known  .f'rom  exposures  within

                or  near  the  mapped  area.

                                                              Te->"ra.c.e  grG.v4lls
                                                              ~  <;,
                                                                    ----    -----

                                                       -      -     So.ujus

                     Figure  2  - Diagrammatic  section  showing  the
                           general  relations  between  the  formations.

                M~nt  Oanzon  For:mati~n

                              The  easta:rn  third  of  the  area  is  underlain by

                strata  of  the  Mint  Oan7on  1b rmat1on.  To  the  west  these

                rooks  dip  unoontormably  beneath younger  horizons.

                              'the  laok  ot  extensive  exposures  throughout

                muoh  ot  the  area  immediately  underlain by  Kint  Canyon

                rooks  leaves  the  details  or  structure  and  stratigraphy
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