Page 10 - firstpresbyterian1976cookbook
P. 10

                         COLONIAL  CORN  MUFF'INS

            1  cup  cornmeal
            1  cup  sifted flour
            1/3  cup  sugar
            4 teas.  baking  powder
            1  teas.  salt
            1  cup  grated  raw  carrots
            1/3  cup  chopped  peanuts
            1-1/4  cup  milk
            1  egg
            1/4  cup  butter,  melted

            Combine  above  together,  except  for peanuts.
            Bake  at h25°  for 15  to  20  minutes.  Brush
            when  baked  with  light  corn  syrup.  Sprinkle
            with  peanuts.  Serve  warm.  Makes  18  muffins.               [

                                        Irene  McConnell

            Acts  2:46,47  And  they •••• did  eat  their meat
            with  gladness  and  singleness  of  heart,
            praining  God.

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