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                                             U.S.D.A.  FOREST  SERVICE

                                      FINAL  ENVIRONMENTAL  IMPACT  STATEMENT
                                 GILLIBRAND  SOLEDAD  CANYON  MINING  OPERATIONS
                                             ANGELES  NATIONAL  FOREST
                                         LOS  ANGELES  COUNTY,  CALIFORNIA

            I.  INTRODUCTION

            This  Record  of Decision  (ROD)  documents  my  selection  of Alternative  l,  the
            proposed  action,  for  the  Gillibrand  Soledad  Canyon  Mining  Operations  on  the
            Angeles  National  Forest  as  described  in  the  Final  Environmental  Impact
            Statement  (FEIS).  The  Alternatives  considered  and  my  rationale  for  selecting
            Alternative  1  are  described.  The  Environmentally  preferred  alternative  is

            During  the  past  two  years,  the  Forest  Setvice  has  completed  its environmental
            review  process  for  the  Gillibrand  Soledad  Canyon  Mining  project  that will
            result  in  the  development  and  production  phase  of  the  project.  This  EIS
            displays  and  analyzes  the  environmental  impacts  and  mitigation measures  with
            respect  to  the  following  issues  and  concerns:  air,  soils,  water,  biological
            resources,  cultural  and  paleontological  resources,  land  use,  noise,  property
            values,  recreation,  transportation,  public  health  and  safety,  visual
            resources,  and  cumulative  impacts.

            I.  THE  DECISION

            My  decision  is  to  select Alternative  1.  The  revised  plan  of  operation  and
            reclamation  plan  is  found  in  Appendix  C.  This  revised  plan  of  operation
            incorporates  the  requirements  of  the  selected  alternative  and  will  be  signed
            by  the  Forest  Setvice  responsible  official  and  the  required  reclamation bond
            posted  prior  to  beginning  operations.

            In  making  my  decision  I  have  reviewed  the  environmental  consequences  of  the  ·
            Project,  proposed  mitigation  measures,  and  the  alternatives  which  are
            disclosed  in  the  Final  EIS.  A major  component  of  the  Final  EIS  and  my  decision
            are  implementation  of  the  mitigation  measures,  found  at  the  end  of  each
            resource  area  discussion.  1  gave  particular  attention  to  public  and  agency
            comments  on  the  Draft  EIS,  for  which  detailed  responses  were  given  and  which
            are  contained  Chapter  8.0  of  the  Final  EIS.  All  practicable  means  to  avoid  or
            minimize  environmental  harm  have  been  adopted with  the  selection  of
            Alternative  1.

            Alternative  4,  No  Action,  is  the  environmentally  preferred  alternative.

            The  EIS  was  developed  in  compliance  with  the  National  Environmental  Policy  Act
            ("NEPA"),  Council  on  Environmental  Quality  (CEQ)  Regulations,  Title  40,  Code
            of  Federal  Regulations,  Parts  1500-1508  (40  CFR  1500-1508).  In  addition,  the
            EIS  also  complies  with  the  Forest  Service's  Revised  Implementing  Procedures
            for  NEPA.  Federal  Register,  Vol.  50,  No.  121,  Monday,  June  24,  1985,  pgs.


            The  Forest  Service  conducted  an  active  public  involvement  program.  The  Forest
            Service  determined  that  an  EIS  would  be  required  for  the  proposed  Project.  The
            Forest  Setvice  became  the  Lead  Agency  under  NEPA  and  subsequently  prepared  a

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