Page 16 - hart1996yearbook
P. 16



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                tyle is " ... skater suave slacks, Plan B t-shirts, and
             Sexposed paisley boxers," according  to  Brandon
            Shively. "I dress like a lady, but a lady on the go," Sarah
            Ali  says.  L  to  R:  sophomore  Brandon  Shively,
            sophomore  Mark  Bagwell,  junior  Sarah  Ali,  and
            sophomore Chris Adams.

              dress comfortably. I never wear
            I  anything uncomfortable ... except
            big, high heel shoes that make me
            6'1" tall," admits Emily Roberts,
            right. Senior Carlos Robledo has
            style " ... that shows I have class, I
            can match, and that I'm just your
             typical 'Nice Guy."' L to R: seniors
             Sam Choi, Brooke Erickson, Emily
            Roberts, and Carlos Robledo.

                Rebel style is a style that
            A looks hard and you don't care
             what anyone says," Marco
            Zendejas, far right, comments.
             Seniors Waleed and Khaled Nasr
             believe style is " ... whatever makes
             us comfortable and look good." L
             to R: senior Waleed Nasr, junior
             Marco Zendejas, and senior
             Khaled Nasr.

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