Page 17 - hart1996yearbook
P. 17

-r"Je fashion spectrum is wide; however, when brought
                                    I  together,  everything  blends.  From  left  to  right:
                                   sophomore Brandon Shively, junior Tracy Box, senior
                                   Sam Choi, junior Kisha Turner, junior Marco Zendejas,
                                   senior Courtney Laws, and sophomore Adam Smith.
                                       y style is LIVE! I love my fly threads. It brings out
                                   Mmy  funk-ay-ness  and  it  goes  with  my  afro-
                                   puffz!"exclaims Kisha  Turner.  Terik Mackabee's style
                                   is " ... hiphopish/y, playeristically G-funked out." L to R:
                                                                                  y  style is  like my best friend Elizabeth  Hamid's
                                   juniors Tyler Pope, Kisha Turner, and Terik Mackabee.   Mstyle.  According  to  us,  everything  goes  with  a
                                                                               white  t-shirt," Sadie  Martin  says.  "My style  is  not a
                                                                              style .. ./ just  wear stuff that  I  find  interesting," cites
                                                                               Courtney Laws. L to R: seniors Elizabeth Hamid, Robbie
                                                                               Simpson, David Smith,  Ross Pickering,  Sadie Martin,
                                                                              and Courtney Laws.

                                                                                                          y style is
                                                                                                       M whatever my
                                                                                                       mom puts me in in
                                                                                                       the morning," Koby
                                                                                                       Winn jokes. Kelly
                                                                                                       Allen believes her
                                                                                                       style is " ... the way
                                                                                                       that I want to dress.
                                                                                                       I'm not alternative
                                                                                                       and I am not a
                                                                                                       buster." L to R:
                                                                                                       sophomores Adam
                                                                                                       Smith, Kelly Allen,
                                                                                                       Barbie A vi/a, Eric
                                                                                                       Gardiner, and Koby

                                                     tyle is " ... an extension of my personality, so, I suppose my style
                                                  Sis  outgoing," Shane Nelson  remarks.  "I try to  go against the
                                                  stereotypical way women are supposed to  look to help break the
                                                  barriers women and men have to live under," explains Tracy Box.
                                                  "I'm not saying you can't be feminine but people shouldn't be put
                                                  down for not being 'blond and beautiful."' L to R: junior Tracy Box,
                                                  senior Brad Pickette, and freshman Shane Nelson.

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