Page 7 - hmnmhauxiliaryscrapbook
P. 7

TEA -HONOn  GIRLS  -  Pictured -hehind ·the   · at tea  held  Saturday  at  the  hospital.  Mothers
                           tea table are the members· of the Santa Clarita   were invited guests and were shown around the
                           Hospital  Candy  Stripers who  were  honored  at   ,hospita'l  to  see  what  thf'ir  <laughter's  do  there.
                                           IJea_Honors Candy Striper~-

                                              Candy  Stripers  of  Santa  Nowell,  Irma  Langoria,  and   thanks in appreciation for the
                                             Carita  Hospital  were  honor·   Pat Mossner.   efforts  of the  Candy Siripers
                                            ed  Saturday  at  a  tea  held   Sharon  Collier,  Diane  Bish-  and  the  faithfulness  of  the
                                             from  2  to  4  p.m.  in  the  din-  op,  Rosa Haro, Karen Pauley,   Pink  Ladies.
                                             ing  room  of  the  hospital.  - -  Lillian Engelstad, Susan  Min-
                                              Attended  by  Candy  Strip-  zel,  and Sylvia Deines.
                                            ers,  their  mothers,  members   Cris  Crawford,  Nancy
                                             of  the  Pink  Ladies  Auxiliary  Walker,  Judy  Cherry  and
                                             and  hospital  personnel,  the  Peggy Neil.
                                             assemblage  totaled  nearly  50   Corsages were sent to Sally
                                             persons._______   __   Longoria,  Pat  Reyes  and
                                              Serving  were  Pink  Ladies,  Sharon  Cook,  unable . to  at:
                                             Mrs.  C.  E.  Cash,  Mrs.  Glen  tend.   ·
                                            , Gordon  and  Mrs.  John  Bo-  Dr. Robert Steedman  spoke
                                             dine.                b r i e f 1 y  to  the  assembled
                                              A  large  floral  centerpiece .  group,  giving  the  hospital's
                                             composed  of  gladiolus,  white
                                            l  stock  and  white  chrysanthe-
                                            mums  graced the  table  in  aci-
                                             dition to a  crystal punch bowl
                                             and  silver  coffer  service  do-
                                             nated for the occasion by Mrs.
                                            Lena  Huntsinger,  _assistant  ;,
                                             hospital administrator.
                                              Fo  ewm~  a  tleep •pi.flt  a:,
                                            white  color  theme,  pink  and
                                            white  carnation  corsage s
                                            ~en1'ed  o -eacli  girL
                                            ·The cake and punch accented
                                            the color.  scheme.
                                              Girls  ho   ed were Martha
                                            .  Akins,  Bett~  Di Margo,  Pat
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