Page 2 - hmnmhauxiliaryscrapbook
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                                                  ARTICLE  I  - Name  and  Location
                     The  name  of  this  organization  shall be  the  Santa  Clarita  Valley  Women's  Auxiliary  and
                     shall be  located  in  the  Santa  Clarita  Valley  of  Los  Angeles  Co.,  State  of  California.
                                                  ARTICLE  II  - Objects
                     The  objective  of  this  organization  shall be  to  sponsor  and  promote  interest  in  person
                     to  person  service  within  the  community.  The  purpose  shall,  also,  be  to  sponsor  and
                     create  interest  in  a  hospital  service  group  composed  of  girls  from  the  age  of  fourteen
                     years  through  th  age  of  eighteen  years.
                                                  ARTICLE  III  - Policies

                     The  organization  shall  be  non-commercial,  non-sectarian  and  non-partisan.  No  candi-
                     date  for  public  office  shall be  endorsed  by  it.  Neither  the  name  of  the  association
                     nor  t he  n&.r.2s  of  the  officers  in  their  official  capacit ies  shall be  used  in  any  con-
                     n  ct:i.  n  w.i.-, 11  any  partisan  interest  nor  for  any  purpose  other  than  the  regular  work  of
                     the  Club.
                                                  ARTICLE  IV  - Membership
                     Membershi p  in  this  organization  shall be  of  three  types:
                        a .  Regular  membership-These  are  working  members  of  the  auxiliary  and  shall  have  the
                           right  to  participate  at  membership  meetings,  hold  office  and  to  vote.
                        b.  Patroness  membership- These  shall  be  members  who  do  not  actively  participate  in
                           the  volunt eer  work  of  this  organization.  This. type  of  membership  may  include
                           wives  o~  medical  and  administrative  staffs.
                        c.  Juni or  m~mbership••  Candy  Stripers.

                                                   ARTICLE  V - Dues
                      Dues  will be  du2  on  January  1  of  each  year  and  will be  considered  delinquent  after
                      Febru8.:ry  15.  Few members  will  be  given  a  grace  period  of  six  weeks  to  pay  dues  after
                      joining,  v;-:.J;:,h  the  exeeption  of  new  members  joining  after  November  15  of  any  year.
                      Thej_r  d1.1es  wil.l  be  payable  January  1  for  the  coming  year.
                      Dues  ·rill be  f ive  dollars  per  year  for  each  member  including  new  members  joining at
                      any  time  during  the  year J  excepting  new  members  joining  after  November  15.
                                                   ARTICLE  VI  - Officers
                      The  electi ,-e  officers  of  this  organization  shall  be  the  President J  1st  Vice-President,
                      2nd  Vice -President ,  Secretar y  and  Treasurer.
                      The  nomi~a-~ing  committee  shall  consist  of  five  members,  three  members  elected by  the
                      gener~l  membcLsh~p  and  two  elected  by  the  Board  of  Directors  during  the  month  of  Sep-
                      tember.  The  nominations  committee  shall  report  at  the  regular  meeting  in  the  month
                      of  October .  nominat i ons  may  be  made  from  the  floor.  The  consent  of  each  candidate
                      must  be  obtai ned  before  his  name  is  placed  in  nomination.

                      Election  sh3ll  be  held  at  the  meeting  in  the  month  of  November.  If  there  is  but  one
                      candidateJ  the  ballot  may  be  dispensed  with  and  the  election  held  by  voice  vote.  A
                      majority  of  those  present  and  voting  shall be  necessary  to  elect.

                      Installation  of  newly  elected  officers  shall be  held  at  the  December  meeting.
                      Vacancies  occuring  on  the  Board  of  Directors  by  any  means  shall  be  filled QY  Presi-
                      dential  appointment  with  the  approval  of  the  Board  of  Directors.  The  person  soap-
                      pointed  shall hold  office  until  the  next  annual  election.
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