Page 1 - hmnmhauxiliaryscrapbook
P. 1

The  ·
                              pictures and
                        are fro         h          newspaper  rt·
                                   J1J  t  e original 1I             a  Jcles containe  .

                                 book has been r  d MNMII Auxiliary                             d in this albuni
                                                          e  one to preserve th scrapbook.  The
                                                                                           e contents.

                         S  TA  CL  ITA  VALL~ :  MEN'S  A  XILIA  Y

                    ctober  or  1962  ~rs.Lena  Hunt  inger,  aR . istant
                  adm1m1strator  of  the  Santa  Clarita  Hospital  made
                  a    lea  to  the  Santa  Cl  rita  ~e~hodi  t  Church
                    omen  . oci  ty  of  Christian  ervice  to  hel                           in
                  the  need  for  a  hosnital  s  rv1c~  rou  as  the
                  outcome  of  a  ~reyhound  us  accident  which  o~curred
                  on  ct  12,  1962

                  November  27th  a             roup  01~  interested  ci ti 7'ens  ,  i th
                  a  co~mi ttee  of  three  ladie.e;  Martha  Barton,  Jerann
                    o  mann,  and~  en  rille  o1e  Lro  osed  a  set  or  by
                  lawR.  The  meetings  were  h~ld  in  ~he  Hart  High
                  School  ~oom  #  27.  Meetings  to  be  held  o~ce  a  month.

                  orr1cere  were:             resident  Lois  Lo               iego
                                            1  t  Vice  res,              ue  Bed  ell
                                            2nct  lice  res:  Ann  Cash
                                              ec  J  Publicity:              artha  arton
                                            _ecord1ng  ec.:  Loui~e  McJohnston
                                            Tree:                       B~tty  Bullock

                    he  Aux11  ary  haa  olans  t                . non e, r         ~,.1  h  Schoo
                  Lg  d      <  r i oer  Jrou
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