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By-laws  of  the  Santa  Clarita Val  ey  Women's  Auxiliary .                     Page  twc

                                                 ARTICLE  VII  - Duties  of  officers

               The  President  shall be  Chairman  of  the  Board.  She  shall preside  at  all meetings,
               shall  appoint  the  chairmen  of  all  committees;  shall  exercise  supervision  over  all  of
               the  affairs  of  the  organization,  appoint  all  special  committees  and  shall be  ex-
               officio  to  all  committees,  except  the  nominating  committee.

               The  1st  Vice-President  shall  preside  in  the  absence  of  the  President,  assist  the
               President  and  act  as  program  director.
               The  2nd  Vice --Prcsident  shall  preside  in  case  of  absence  of  the  President,  and  the  1st
               Vice-President,  at  regular  meetings .  Also  shall be  chairman  of  the  membership  com-
               mittee,  receive -all membership  dues  and  issue  all membership  cards.  All  monies
               received  are  to be  promptly deL.vered  to  the  Treasurer.
               The  Secreta~y  shall keep  a  full  and  accurate  record  of  all meetings  and  shall  keep
               the  by-laws  up  to  date.  She  will  conduct  the  correspondence  of  the  organization,
               g~ve  notice  of  all  called  meetings  and  mail  bulletins.  She  should be  present  at  all
               regular  meetings,  reco1'ding  the  minutes  of  the  meeting  and  present  the  minutes  of
               the  previous  meetiqg,  if requested.  She  shall keep  in  the  secretaries  book  a  copy
               of  t he  by•-l aws  and  standing  rules  and  committee  appointments.  She  shall  also  keep
               on  file  ac~unications  received and  copies  of  corrnnunications  sent.
               ~he  Treasurer  shall be  the  chief  iscal  officer  of  the  Au  iliary.  She  shall be
                custodian  of  the  funds  of  the  organization  and  disburse  them  only  on  the  authoriza-
               tion  of  the  Presidant .  She  shall  give  a  written  report  at  each  meeting,  to be  filed
               with the  r2cords  of  tee  secretary.  The  accounts  of  the  Auxiliary  shall  be  kept  in  a
               bank  so  ~ppro7ed  by  the  elected  officers.  The  rreasurer's  accounts  shall be  audited
               each  year .
                                                 ARTICLE  VIII  - Board  of  Directors.

               Tbe  Board  of  Di~ectors  shall  consist  of  the  elected  officers  and  the  chairman  of  the
               standing  committees.

                                                 ARTICLE  IX  - Rules  of  Order
               The  rules  contained  in  Roberts  Rules  of  Order,  Revised"  Shall  govern  this  organiza-
               tion  in  all  cases  in which  they  are  applicable  and  not  inconsistent  with  these  by-laws.
                                                 ARTICLE  X  - Amendments.
               These  by-l_aws  may  be  amended  at  any  regular  meeting  by  a  two-thirds  vote  of  the  mem-
               bership present ,  providing  a  reading  of  the  proposed  amendment  has  been  given  at  the
               previous  regul nr  meeting,  or  a  copy  of  the  proposed  amendment  has  been  mailed  to  each
               memb~r  at  least  t en  days  before  the  meeting designated  for  the  vote.
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