Page 20 - lw3197
P. 20


                   A.    Land  Area
                         1.  Square  Miles:  94  +or-.

                         2.  Acres:  60,160  +or-.

                   B.  General  description  of  topography:
  0                      The  Santa  Clarita  Valley  runs  east  and  west  surrounded  by

             canyons  leading  out  of  the  mountains  to  the  Santa  Clara  River,

             which  flows  west  through  Ventura  County  to  the  ocean.  The  area  is

   J         basically  desert  with  desert  vegetation  and  practically  no  rain

             fall  for  eight  months  of  the  year.  During  heavy  rains,  flooding

              in  the  Santa  Clara  River  basin  occurs.



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