Page 21 - lw3197
P. 21

 []                 c.  Describe  physical  boundaries,  if  any  (rivers,  mountains,

              freeways,  etc.):

                          To  the  north  are  the  Angeles  and  Los  Padres  National

              Forests  and  mountains.  To  the  east  are  the  small  communities  of

              Agua  Dulce  and  Acton,  separated  from  the  proposed  City  of  Santa

              Clarita by  a  significant  amount  of  acreage  outside  of  the  Consoli-

              dated  Fire  Protection  District.  To  the  south,  the  San  Gabriel  and

              Santa  Susana  Mountains,  including  a  large  portion  of  the  Angeles

  []          National  Forest,  separate  the  Santa  Clarita  Valley  from  the

              greater  Los  Angeles  area.  On  the  west  is  the  community  of  Val

              Verde,  between  the  proposed  city boundaries  and  the Ventura County

              line;  however,  the  proposed  boundaries  of  the  city  generally  fol-

              low  lines  to  the  west  and  just  beyond  the  line  of  sight  of  Inter-

              state  5,  the  Golden  State  Freeway.



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