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                  Manuel has no idea of  deserting the young girl  but
                he  is  an  outlaw with  a  price  upon  his  head-doubled
                and  trebled  by  the  rich,  whom  he  has  robbed.  His
                self-preservation is  imperative,  otherwise he  could not
                succor or benefit any living thing.  He must always be
                on  the  alert  and  now,  more  so  than  ever,  for  he  has
                crossed  those  whom  he  knows  would  not  hesitate  to
                become informers.  So he rides hard and long.  He takes
                a desperate chance.  He does into a city three hundred .
                miles  away-where  he  has  been  before-is  wanted,
                and  known.
                  He escapes.  His object has  been  attained.  He has
                established  his  whereabouts.
                  Twelve days from the time he left the spot where the
                Wolf dog ·said farewell,  he is back again,  and the Wolf
                dog is  waiting-and with  him the girl.
                  To  Juanita this  stranger was a  God.  But had  she
                willed not to come the Wolf dog would have forced her
                to do  so.  It was not many hours after the going away
                of  the stranger,  when  he  had  taken  hold  of  her  torn.
                ragged garments, and finally pulled her along the trail,
                  Roderigo  and  Laynez  have  both  seen  the  dog  and
                Juanita  going  into  the  hills,  as  there  was  not  a  day
                passed that they did not do so.  They are suspicious-
                has not Manuel Maretta been seen many days journey
                to the south.
                  They are holding many councils at this time.  Roder-
               igo,  Fernando,  Mart.a  and Rosita.  There was  to be  a
               great  raid  upon  the  gringoes  just  across  the  border,
               a  town  where  the  stars  and stripes  were  planted  was
               to  be  raided,  sacked,  and  burned,  and  its  accursed
               flag  ground into the dust.
                 They had received  the word  to be prepared for  the
               gathering and the Chief was expected at any time.
                 But  Roderigo  was  smarting  with  deep-seated  hate
               and longing  for  revenge,  and in spite  of  the  councils,
               in spite of the great business he would follow  the trail
               of the dog and the girl.  He would be sure.
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