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8           CHILDREN  OF  THE  SOUTH

                 And  then  there  were  those  who  had  unfortunately
               been denied all these advantages.  Those who were  as
               slaves, to those who control them.  Only seeking in their
               childish  simplicity  to  live  in  happiness  with  their
               families  by  toil,  and  falling  an  easy  prey  to  those
               renegades  who  are traitors to Mexico.
                 They are made to believe that Americans are accursed
               'gringoes'  and that America  wishes  to  rule  Mexico.
                 And so  he talked.  And so  she loved.  And the light
               air  around them seemed to end her world  right there.
               Only the sun and the sky were left, and as the sound of
               his impassioned voice vibrated upon the harp-strings of
               her  nature  she  seemed  to  float  off  into  them.  She
               could almost see her shadow upon the ground.
                 And  then  came  the  day when  the  earth  owls  were
               flying  home  just  before  sunset,  to disappear  in  their
               nests which they shared with their prairie-dog compan-
               ions  under  the  ground.
                 And  could  they have  talked,  they would  have  told
               of seeing riders by twos and threes, and eights and tens,
               coming  into  the  hills  from  every  direction.   Their
               destination was a  common meeting-place.  The dilapi-
               dated shack  of  Fernando  Laynez.
                 Before the moon with its heartening power was two
               hours  old,  full  a  hundred  horses  with  winchesters  in
               gun  boots  were  standing  eight  to  a  man  outside  its
               door, while within the plans were made.  They were to
               ride  to  the  Rio  Grande  six  hours  away.  They  were
               to  swim  the  river,  and  at  three o'clock in the morn-
               ing, when all  were  asleep,  they  were  to  attack  and
               pillage  an  American  town,  and  return  from  whence
               they came.
                 The five small rooms were packed with these swarthy
               men  who  stood  idly  smoking  their  cigarettes  as  they
                 Roderigo it was who had been on American soil, and
               made a rude plan of all the buildings that were supposed
               to  contain  the  spoils.
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