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10          CHILDREN  OF  THE  SOUTH

                Juanita has betrayed her God!  Roderigo talks.  Villa
              thinks and acts.  Paper and pencil are brought.  Juanita
              is told to write.  She will not do so.  Roderigo with every
              thing in  his  grasp,  and now fearing  to lose,  raises  his
              arm  and  strikes  at  her  viciously.  Villa  catches  the
              blow!  "Enough, my friend.  You have been very useful
              but had that blow fallen-I would have had you shot.
              I always shoot my men for that.  We love but we do not
                Juanita  has  betrayed  but  she  will  go  no  further.
              Rosita can write.  She is the only one-man or woman
              -in that whole  assemblage-(Save Juanita)  who  can.
                The message  calling for help is  written  and  signed
              "Juanita,"  and  pinioned  to  the  buckle  of Wolf  dog's
                Juanita is half carried to the  beginning  of  the  trail
              but the Wolf-dog has streaked along it and is lost in the
              trees  long  before  it  is  reached.  He  knows  not  what
              message  he  bears,  but he  knows  his  friend  is  needed.
                And soon he comes,  all caution thrown to the winds
              of  heaven,  a  veritable cyclone of fury.
                He  is  trapped  and  stood  before  the  Chief  Villa!
              whose  manner has not changed a  hair.  Villa  calls for
              another chair and Manuel is invited to sit.  He does so
              and  the  duel  beings.
                On the one side an animal with intermittent human
              feelings-who can neither read nor write.  On the other,
              an educated man-who, if there be alloy in his nature-
              it is  only sufficient  to  hold  together the shining gold.
                Yet in this duel of words they are not unequal.  They
              advance-they  retreat.  They  parry-they thrust,  in
              Carta and in Tierce-Steel meets Steel!  And still the
              smoke comes through the nostrils of the Chief! - - -
              "We hold  different  views,  my rival  countryman.  We
              cannot agree! -  -  You may be  blindfolded and give
              the order or not, as you please." - -The firing squad
               -  -Ramirez-we have waited long-We must be on
              our  journey.
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