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12          CHILDREN  OF  THE  SOUTH

             pointed out to her the star in which direction they were
             -and explained that over  the  mountain,  where  there
             was no trail, they were scarcely fifteen miles away.
               Electricity is fast,  but not one-millionth part as fast
             as  thought.  It all  flashed  through  Juanita's  brain  in
             an  instant.
               She must go.  She must go  over the mountain,  and
             warn the Americans,  while the raiders ride around by
             the  trail.
               She  did  not hesitate,  the light of  the Savior was  in
             her eyes.
               She sprang up,  but before  her were two  forms,  and
             one clutched her fiercely  by the throat.
               An enormous panther-like black body hurtled through
             the air, and the two  forms  were  stretched  seemingly
             lifeless upon the floor and the girl  and the dog  ran out
             into the night-out under the moon and the stars,  and
             headed straight for that one star-which led to the base
             of the mountain.
               Why try to write of that journey that will be handed
             down in mother's tales to their children, for generations
             to  come.
               What looked like brush at a distance upon the moun-
             tain side was a tangled mass of thick growth, high above
             the head of this child.  It stripped her few rags until she
             was naked, cut, and bleeding.  Her face was torn beyond
             recognition.  Still she struggled on blindly in the wake
             of her powerful friend.
               There were  times  when  she  would fall  and moan in
             utter exhaustion,  but the giant dog would  return and
             lick the blood from her eyes.  Her fingers  would clutch
             his  hairy sides and they would go  on again.
               When the top of the mountain was reached she sank
             to  rise  no  more.  Nature  demanded  her  toll.  It was
             beyond human endurance.  And the dog came and sat
             beside  her,  and lifting  his  great head wailed forth  his
             dog prayer to the skies.
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