Page 15 - lw3217
P. 15

CHILDREN  OF  THE  SOUTH           13

                  God gave human beings brains to guide their deeds.
                He also gave animals instinct.  Who shall say where that
                instinct begins or ends.
                  Who  shall  say  that  this  giant  animal  was  "baying
                at  the  moon"  when  he  was  pleading,  (his  head  high
                toward  heaven)  to  his  Creator-his  God.  And  who
                shall say that his  prayer was not answered,  for  he got
                down flat upon the ground beside the mistress whom he
                loved,  his  powerful  forefeet  were  thrust  beneath  her
                body followed by his boring head.  Slowly and carefully
                he  worked,  inch  by inch,  crawling further  under,  and
                then he gently rose with the limp form upon his back.
                He  whined  piteously  and  the  half  unconscious  girl
                understood.  Her fingers tangled in his shaggy hair and
                weakly closed and down the mountain side they went.
                  Two  hours  later  they  were  at  the  river,  the  Rio
                Grande-with  the  girl  still  upon  this  lion-hearted
                beast's  back.
                  If they were torn before no words can  describe their
                condition  now.
                  The girl  was  scarcely  recognizable  and the  dog  had
                great  cakes  of  matted  blood  upon  his  sides  and  the
                white bones shone through the hide of  his legs,  but he
                did  not hesitate.  He plunged straight into the swollen
                swift  running  river.
                  Had not the  cold  water  brought the girl  additional
                life, she would have drowned this courageous Wolf dog
                and herself-for she could not swim.  But her numbed
                brain cleared-she fastened her fingers in his long hair
                -and was dragged by his side.  The dog swam rapidly
                to keep her afloat, his head boring into the current and
                always  working  toward  the  opposite  shore.   The
                American Shore!  where just beyond the lights burned
                fitfully.  They  had  WON!
                  The mighty crowd had somewhat thinned out at the
                HEADLIGHT  Saloon  and  Gambling  Hall.  For  the
                hour was two in the morning.  Still the whir and rattle
                of  the  little  ball  of  chance  was  heard  as  it was  sent
                spinning  around its  circle.
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