Page 14 - maxson1928
P. 14


                                     1·,lERYCHIPPUS   CALIFORNICUS  Merriam

                   The  tooth  upon  which  the  recognition  of  this  species  is  based  is

            a  superior' right  molar  two  or  three  showing  a  slight  amount  of  wear
             (No.  18,  Calif,  Inst.  Coll,i.  Its  height  is  almost  twice  as  great  as  its

             antero-posterior  diameter.  The  coating  of  cement  is  rather  light.  Curvature

             of  the  crown  is  moderate.  'l'he  transverse  diameter  diminishes  very

             pronouncedly  toward  the  grinding  surface.  In  size  it  is  comparable  to

             111,  califoruicus  from  the  r1 emblor  of  the  north  Coalinga  district  and  is
             slightly  smaller  than  M.  sumani  from  the  Mohave  Desert  Barstow.  ?late  I.

             Figure  1.  illustrates  its  proportions.

                       The  protocone  occupies  an  almost  median  p~sition  on  the  inner  side

             of  the  grinding  surface.  It  is  a  flattened  oval  in  cross-section  and

             judging  from  both  form  and  position  along  the  inside  of  the  crown  it  is

             separated  from  the  protoconule  up  to  an  advanced  stage  of  wear.  Plication

             of  the  fossettes  is  moderate  and  approximates  that  in  both  M.  californicus

             and  hl.  isonesus.  However,  the  post-fossette  is  open  posteriorly  to  the

             base  of  the  crown.  The  interior  wall  of  the  post-fossette  forms  the

             exterior  wall  of  the  hypocone.  A similar  condition  is  sometimes  found  in
             M- of M.  sumani  and  in  other  merychippine  forms.  A small  anteriorly

             directed  pli  cahallin  is  present.

                                      Measurements  of  J:~o  ..  18
                   Antero-posterior  diameter  (10  mm.  above  base)  ------- 18.l mm.

                   l'ransverse             II        "               "  ------- 15.0

                   Antero-posterior  diameter  lat  base  of  crown)  ------- 18.2

                   Transverse               fl      11    It   "    !I      ----·-- 18.7
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19