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           Nebraska. arei similar.  The  tooth  from  the  lTint  Canyon  beds  is  much  larger

           than  it  is  in  the  type  species  of  the  former  and  somewhat  larger  than  in

           the  latter~  Merychippus  intermontanus  Merriam  from  the  Barstow  Miocene

           of  the  Mohave  Desert  is  similar  in  pattern  but  somewhat  smaller  in  size.

                     The  major  portion  of  a  tooth which  may  be  upper  yremolar  four  is

           assigned  to  this  species.  It  is  a  large  tooth  and  comparable  in  size  to

           teeth  of  the  two  Barstow  forms,  Me_rychippus  intermontanus  and  J\,:erychippus

           calamarius  stylodontus.  The  protocone  is  strongly united  to  the

           protoconule,  a  character  which  seemingly  indicates  a  relationship  with

           M.  intermontanus  since  in M.  calamarius  stylodontus  the  protocone  is

            often  separate  from  the  protoconule  until  the  crown  is  reduced  to  a

           height  measurement  less  than  the  width.  rl'he  hypocone  is  not  prominent

           and  is  attached  very  solidly  to  the  metaconule.  A  small  pli  caballin

           is  present.

                         The  two  lower  premolars  (see  Plate  I.  Figure  3.)  have  the  simple

           pattern  shown  in M.  seju.nctus  and  in M.  intermontanus  after  considerable

           wear.  'They  are  much  larger  than  the  corresponding  teeth  of  M.  sejunctus

           and  are  heavily  cei"iented.  The  metaconid-metastylid  column  in P      is
           narrow  and  closely united  to  the  base  of  the  crown.  'l'he  entoconid  is

           obliquely  truncated.

                                         Cor.1:parative  1.Ieasu.rements

              2                      M.  intermontanus       M.  intermontanus  Jl. c. stylodontus
             P- No.  30042  U.C.      {Mint  Canyoril             (type)              ( type)

           Antero-Josterior  dis.meter  -- 32.1        --------   a27  -----···•      28.9

           Transverse             ft          2,~ .2   --------          --------     24.2

           Height        -----------------    29.0   ---------     30  ( P~)   ---

                      Note:  "all  indicates  that  the  measurement  is  approximate.
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