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                    From  M.iolabis  transmontanus,  however,  it differs  in  some  important

           details  The  dentition  seems  more  primitive.  The  dental  series  is  shorter.

           Reduction  of  premolars  is  not  quite  so  marked.  Premolar  one  is  more  strongly

           two-rooted  for  in M.  tra.nsmontanus  the  roots  separate  only  at  the  extremi tie~.

           The  premolar  series  is  not  directed  inward  at  an  angle  from  the  molar

           series  but  both  form  a  comparatively  straight  chain.  In M.  transmontanus

           the  premolar-molar  ratio  shows  a  relatively  greater  development  of molars

           than  is  the  case  in  the  new  species.  Perhaps  the  most  important  differences

           are  in  the  diastemata.  Although  uhe  skull  itself  is  smaller  the  diastemata

           behind  I~  and  c.!  re spec ti vely  are  longer  than  those  L1  M.  transmontanus.
                                                             l       2
           On  the  other  hand,  the  diastema  between  P- a.nd  P- is  much  shorter  {approx.  15mml~

                      These  distinctions  are  regarded  as  sufficient  to  separate  the  Mint

           Canyon  form  from  hitherto  defined  species.  For  this  type  the  name  Miolabis

            californicus  is  suggested.

                                          Comparative  Measurements

                                    M.  transmontanus      M.  ca.Lfornicus      Auchenia  llama
                                                              {No.  30046  u.c.)

           Length  of  skull  -------      &300  mm.   --------- a250  mm             280  mm.

           Width  behind.  orbit           a.100                                      142
           Dentition  I  to  M-             257     ----------     &147  -------      172

            Length   p~   to w!.             92     ----------       79   ---------    70
                    pg     p!
            Length      to                   35    -----------       31   ---------    17
            Length  M- to   M~   -----···-   57    -----------       48  --------      53
            Diastema  I~  to  c!               6    ----------         9  --------     17

            Dia.stema  c!  to                11  ---- -------          13  --------
                        l                                                              43
            Diastema  P- to   p~    ------   20    ------------        a.5   ------ -

                    l  Measurement  computed  from  proportion  of  skull  relative  to  skull

                                of  Protolabis  montanu.s.
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