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P. 5

HEALTH SERVICES:  In  order to provide adequate health  services for the
             s  venth grade youngsteJ:s  and abo  to wo1·k  a  cooperative relationship with
             the  Elementary School that will now  be taking  care  of two schools with the
             servieee of one nurse,  the following  arrangement wae  eugg  sted.  H  the
             High School di etrict nur  e  could be  scheduled a t  the  Elementary School
             three a!ter;.1.oons  a  week to  serve both  seventh grade and  Elementary School
             youngsters for emet-gency purposes,  the  Elementzi.ry School nurse,  in  a
             reciprocal arrangement,  would be available to  serve the  seventh grade
             youngsters during the  mo1·ning e  each <lay  o! the  weeko  h1  thi  way,  there
             would be nurs ing  servicee available  on the  Element2..l"Y  School campue  £01·  all
            youngeters located there for  all but two afternoons  in th~  week.  The  Health
            Offices  and  othe l"  f a cilities would be available for  use by high  s~hool diatrict
            personnel.  lt  is assumed that  E;ome  conti·actual relationship betweon  the  two
            districts would have to be  entered  into in ord  r  to cover the  question 0£  legal
             responsibility#  l iability,  in$uranee  and  other  related matterso  This arrange-
            ment has  been discus se4 tentatively with both nui· ee s  invol ved,  and they  eeem
            to !eel that  it is. a  ve1·y  satisfa(!tory  one.

             TRANSPORTATION:  It  is recommended  that  the  seventh grade  students be
            loaded and unloaded at the  bu.s  loading area now utilized by the  Elementary School
            on  Eleventh Street near  Newhall AvenueQ  The  opening  and closing hours  of  school
            for  the  seventh grade youngeter s  will be  suc:h  so as to not inter!ere  in any way
            with the  transportation arrangementt5  of the  Elementary School.  The  Elementary
            School reque &ts  consideration o! assistance from the  High School in transporting
            approximately two bua loads o£  students from the  Newhall  Elementary School to
            the  Peachland  Elementary School each morning  at 8:45.  The·se  are  the youngsters
            who would normally be attending  school at Newhall Elementary,  but who are being
            hous·ed at the  Peachland School in  order to make  room  space available to the
            seventh grade  on  the  Elementary School campuso  The  elementary school buees
            are in use at thie  particular time bringing lower  elementary grade youngsters
            to  school for  the  nine  o'clock  session.  These  eame youngeters would need to
            be returned from  Peachland to Newhall  Elementary at approximately 3:40
            afternoon. ·  It  i~  pol sible'-that the  Elementar y  School could accommodat~ at leaet
            one bus  load at that time,  but would like  to consider possible  reciprocal arrange ...
            ments !or the  High School buses  taking  care  of these youngsters  in the  a!ternoon
            also.  There  is also the  possibility that we  would requeet assi6tance from  the
            Elementary School  in transporting ce1·tain  seventh graders to the  High School
            campus daily at two  o'clock  There  a1·e  a  few  c la~ ses  scheduled for  the laet
            period of the  day,  in which it would be desirable to have both  .seventh and eighth
            grade youngsters,  and  it would be neces sary to t ransport the  seventh grade
            youngsters to the  High  School campus.

            CUSTODIAL  SERVICES:  It would  seem most pi·actical to have  custodians  em-
            ployed by the  High  School District under  the  supervision of Mr.,  Kes singer to be
            assigned to cuetodial work  in those  classrooms and  other building facilitie,s  on
            the  Elementary School campus utilized by the  seventh grade..  This would  include
            a  pro rata  shar-e  o! the  responsibility for  the  auditoriumo  All supplies and equip-
            ment would be furnished by the  High School.  When necessary,  heavy equipment
            euch a&  waxer e  and the like  could be made  available by the  Elementary School.
            It  would be  expected that Mr.  Ludlow would work out with Mr.  Kessinger whatever
            coordination was necessary to assure  satisfactory care o! the facilities.  All
            grounds maintenance would be taken  care of by the  Elementary School custodial
            staff.    Emergency custodial servie es will be prw.ided by the  e" ementary  school
            during the day.

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