Page 5 - robinson_storyofvalencia_1967
P. 5

sticks  to  the  reccl.grass.        11   Crespi  comrncntcd  that  the  nrea  would

                    make  a  suit~blc  site  for  a  mission,  since  there  was  good  lands,  two

                    large  arroyos  of  water,  and  five  large  villages  close  together.

                                    Next  day  the  ~hite  party  reste~  but  were  v~sited  again

                    by  a  multitude  of  good-riatured  and  affectionate  Indians  bringing  pre-

                    sents  of  food.        They  passcd·along  the  information  that  the  way  to

                    the  coast  "was  level  and  easy  of  access, u  but  that  the  road  inland

                    "was  very  mountainous  and  rough.·"             The  Indians  happened  to  be

                    celebrating  a  wedding  and  brought  forth  the  bride--"thc  most  dressed

                    up  ·among  them  a.11  in  the  way  she  was  painted  arid  with  her  strings

                                    The  following  day,  August  10,  the  Portola  Party  took  the

                    Santa  Clara  Valley  west-southwcst--as  advised  by  their  Indian  friends,

                    They  camped  that  njght  in  the  Camulos  area,  which  was  in  the  wcs~6rly

                    part  of  Rancho  San  Francisco,  and  ultimately  proceeded  to  the  coast .
                                    [The  Indians  they  had  met  were  of  the  Alliklik  group  or'

                    the  Shoshoncans,  according  to  ethnologist  A.  L.  Kroebc~.                      Ultimately,

                    as  the  party  continued  down  the  valley  and  up  the  coas_t  it  would  be

                    in  Chumash  Indian  territory.]

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