Page 10 - robinson_storyofvalencia_1967
P. 10


                                     ·s e C u 1 a l' i  7, cl t  i  O n   C O r:l e s  t  O  Ni s s i  On  s an
                                     San  Fernando:  Lieutenant  Antonio  dcl
                                     Va-11 e  i  s  a s k e d  t  o  t  a k e  ch ~ r g__~_s,_L~~i
                                     Mission  estates  and,  in  the  following
                                     year,  is  named  as  mayo!domo  or  admin-

                                     The  movement  to  ie~ularize  California  missions  -- that

                     is,  to  transfer  them  from  Churc~  ~o  lay  ~drninistration                       had  been

                     long  under  way.        It  reached  San  Fernando  in  Oct~ber  of  1834c

                                     Anton-io  del  Valle  had  come  to  California  in  1819  as  a

                     soldier  and  continued  to  carry  on  both  a  military  and  controversial

                     political  career.          He  went  to  Los  Angeles  in  1832  and  to.San

                     Fernando  upon  secularization.               As  mayordomo  of  the  Mission,  at  an

                     annunl  salary  of  $8p0,  he  served  three  years.                  He  inve,ntoried  the

                     Mission's  property.           He  enu~erated  the  Mission's  Indian  p9pulation

                     in  1835  as  541  iersons,  a  large  decrease.                He  also  became  well
                                     ·,   ..,..      .
                     acquainted  with  Rancho  San  Francisco,  for  in  the  year  of  the

                     inventory  he  wrote  to  Governor  Figueroa  that,  to  prevent  the

                     ste~ling  of  cattle  and  horses  bi  Christian  Indians,  it  would  be

                     necessary  to  install  a  corporal  in  Rancho  San  Francisco.                      Mean-

                    w l, i 1 e  ,  F a r  th c r  I b a r r a ,  d i  s a t i  s f i  e_ d  w i  th  1 i  f e  a t  a  s e c u 1 a r i  z e d

                    mission,  left  for  Sonora.

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