Page 11 - robinson_storyofvalencia_1967
P. 11

Rancho  S2n  -Francisco  is  gr~nted  to
                                                  Antonio  del  Valle

                                    Sccularization·,of  mission-held  estates  in  California

                    ca u s e d  a  1 an d- r us h •

                                    One  of  the  successful  seekers  of  a  grant  from  the

                    Mexican  Nation  was  Don  Antonio  who  had  lociked  with  longing  eyes

                    oh  Rancho  San  Francisco  while  he  was  the  Mission's  mayordomo.

                    He  petitioned  the  Governo~  and,  in  compliance  wit~  one  of  the

                    several  requirements  of  the  iand  laws  of  i828,  submitted  a  dise~o

                    -0r  map  of  the  eleven-square  league  area  he  wanted.                  It  was  r.iadc

                    by  his  friend  Pablo  de  la  Guerra  of  Santa  tarbara.                  Don  Pablo,

       l.           called  on  in  later  years  to  indentify  this  map,  said  he  made  it

                    in  1837  or  1838  at  Don  Antonio's  request.

                                    On  Jariuary  22,  1839,  Governor  Juan  B.  Alvarado  granted
                    the  rancho  to  Citizen  "Antonio  del  Valle.               He  signed  the  document:

                    at  Santa  Barbara.         It  was  in  the  usual  formality  and,  like  the

                    other  grants,  was  the  gift.of  th~  Government~

                                                                                                            -   r
                                    The  Ne~  own~r  in  the  same  year  took  up  residence  in
                    Ran Ch O  S an  F ran C i  S  Co ,   W i  th  h i  s   W i  f e ,  Don a  J a c Ob .a  . Fe 1 i  Z   - -  W h 0

                    was  the  daughter  of  Ddn  Pedro  Lopez  -- and  his  children,  except

                    Ygnacio.      Ygnacio,  son_by  an  earlier  marriage,  was  i~  his  early

                   ·thirties  and  sihcc  1825  had  been  active  in  military,  political,

                    and  civic  affairs.
                                    Don  Antonio  adapted  to  his  use  the  adobe-structure  built


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