Page 15 - robinson_storyofvalencia_1967
P. 15

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                                                     .                           .        /
                                     American  soldier~ ... L  under  John  C.  Freno~
                                     p as s  th r o u gJ1  Ran ch o  S an  _Fran c is co  , on  th e i  r
                                     ~ay  to  Los  An~e·s  -- in  the  closing  Calif-
                                     ornf~_phase  of  the  war  with  He::dco.

                                     F;_/mont's  buckskin  batall~on  ~f  mounted  and  bearded
                                                              .,,  -                                       .
                     riflemen,  with  Indian  allies,  had  set  out  from  Monterey,  had

                     ridden  south  early  in  January,  18~7,  had  paid  Mission  San  Buena-

                     ventura  a  visit,  and  then  followed  the  Santa  Clara  River  valley


                                     On  January  9  and  10,  at  least,  the  batallion  was  in
                     Rancho  San  Francisco.           Edwin  Bryant,  a  volunteer  with  the  Frem6nt

                     party,  writes  in  his  What  I  Saw  in  California,  that  we  encamped

                     this  afternoon  (January  9)  at  a  rancho,  situated  on  tqe  edge  of  a

                     fertile  and  finely-watered  plain  ~f  considerable  extent,  wl1ere  we

                     found  corn,  w~eat,  and  fr~joles-in  great  abundance.                     The  rancho
                                          .        -
                    was  owned  by  an  aged  Californian  of  coramanding  and  respectable
                    appearance.         Does  young  Bryant  refer  to  45-year-old  Don  Jose  -

                                                     ~            ·•
                    Salazar,  husband_of  Dona  Jacoba?                On  January  10,  crossing  the
                                                                                                           --  r
                    p 1 a in  "w e  en c am p·e d ,  ab o ~ t  t w o  o '  c 1 o ck ,  p . m .  ,  in  th e - mo n th  o f  a

                    ·ca~ada,  through  which  we  ascend  over  a  difficult  pass  in  a  range

                    of  elev~ted  hills  beiween  us  and  the  plain  of  San  Fe~n2ndo.                      A

                    large  number  of  cattle  were  collected  in  the  plain  2nd  corralled,

                    t o  b e  d r i  v e n  a 1 o· n g  t o l7l o r r ow  f o r  s u b s i s  t e n c e • "   0 n  J an u E.  r y  11  th e
                    party  was  at  the.Mission  of  San  Fernando.                 On  Janu2ry  13  Fremont


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