Page 13 - robinson_storyofvalencia_1967
P. 13

California's  first  gold  rush  takes  place  on
                                                 Rancho  San  Francisco

                                      Francisco  L/pez  of  Los_  Angeles,  the  uncle  of  Dona

  I                   Jacoba,  ofteh  spent  a  week  or  more  at  his  niece's  Rancho  San

  i                   ~rancisco  where  he  rented~  section  for  hi~  own  stock.                      He  was  a
                      m~n  of  varied  interests  and  had  taken  a  cours~  it  a  minini  college

                      in  Mexico  City,  according  to  on~  of  his  lineal _descendants,
                      Francisca  Lopez  Belderrain  (writing  in  the  November,  1930,  issu~

                      of-Touri~  Topics.)

                                      One  dayr  March  9,  1842,  Don  Francisco  was  riding  up

                      one  of  Rancho  San  .Fr~ncisco's  canyons,  now  called  Placerita  Canyon.

                      He  was  either  on  a  hunting  tri~  or  was  rounding  up  stock                      the

                      stories  vary.        At  noon-time  he  and  his  companion  stopped  beneath
                      an  oak  for  lunch  and  to  rest.           While  doing  so,  Lopez  took  his

                      knife  and  du~•up  some  wild  onions.              Attachid  to  the  roots

                      nugget  of  gold.        Further  digging  revealed  other  nuggets.

                                      There  was  great  exci_teraent  t_hat  night  in  the  del  Valle

                      ranch  house.~      The  next  morning  the  family  rode  to  Mission  t~~

                      Fernando  to  tell  the  good  news.             Francisco's  brother,  Don  Pedro,

                      was  then  mayordomo  a~  the  Mission.              The  following  day  the  two

                      brothers  and  some  friends  rode  into  Los  Angeles  to  n6tify  govern-

                      mental  authori~ies.

                                      In  such  rnanner  California's  first  gold  rush  ~as  launched,


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