Page 19 - sandcanyonplaza_deir0317
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1. Introduction                                                      1.6 – Intended Uses of This EIR

                     Chapter 6, Effects Found Not Significant, provides an explanation of potential impacts that
                     have been determined not to be significant.

                     Chapter 7, Significant Irreversible Effects on the Environment, evaluates whether the
                     Project would result in the irretrievable commitment of resources or would cause irreversible
                     change in the environment.

                     Chapter 8, Growth-Inducing Impacts, discusses the ways in which the Project could foster
                     economic or population growth in the area.

                     Chapter 9, Significant Unavoidable Effects That Cannot Be Avoided If the Proposed

                     Action Is Implemented, summarizes the significant and unavoidable impacts associated
                     with implementation of the Project.
                     Chapter 10, References, provides a list of persons involved in the preparation of this EIR, a

                     list of all organizations and persons contacted during preparation of the EIR, and a list of
                     documents used as a basis of information for the EIR.

               Appendices to this EIR include the Notice of Preparation and written responses, as well as select
               technical reports and data generated during the preparation of the EIR.

               1.6  Intended Uses of This EIR

               At this time, the City of Santa Clarita has identified the following actions that will need to be taken
               by the City, acting as Lead Agency for this Project, and by Responsible Agencies. The list of
               Responsible Agencies and Project actions is preliminary, and the City anticipates that additional
               actions may be identified as a result of consultation facilitated by the environmental review

               The City of Santa Clarita would be responsible for the following actions.

                     1.   Approval of the Tentative Tract Map
                     2.   Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report
                     3.   Approval of a Ridgeline Alteration Permit and Hillside Development Review to permit
                          development on an identified significant ridgeline and to permit development on
                          slopes over 10%.
                     4.   A Conditional Use Permit to permit development within a Planned Development (PD)
                          Overlay zone and to permit the assisted living facility in the MXN zone.
                     5.   A Minor Use Permit to permit commercial development below the minimum Mixed
                          Use Zone FAR.
                     6.   An Oak Tree Permit to permit the removal of two non-heritage oak trees on-site. One

                          heritage oak tree, which is not being removed, will be encroached upon by Project

                Tebo Environmental Consulting, Inc.                  Sand Canyon Plaza Mixed-Use Project Draft EIR
                March 2017                                                                                   1-5
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