Page 11 - saugus1976yearbook
P. 11

Trust and help were a major
                                                                       part of the Spirit of '76.  The

                                                                       of the staff were reassuring to
                                                                       all.  Students knew they could
                                                                       uust the staff.  Their time was
                                                                       important to them,  but teachers
                                                                       and administrators cared enough
                                                                       to give it up in order to help stu-
                                                                       dents.  Without faculty help the
                                                                       activities which were planned
                                                                       would not have been possible.
                                                                         The staff took part in the
                                                                       activity days,  chaperoned
                                                                       dances ,  purchased fund  raising
                                                                       items,  coached teams,  and
                                                                       helped with the teacher auction.
                                                                       These are only a few of the ways
                                                                       they helped to make this year
                                                                       special for students.

                                      (1)  Mrs.  Dody Crawford files class records.  (2) Mrs.  Susan Bair ponders which student to
                                      shoot next.  (3)  Mrs.  Cathy Mann studies quietly with her class in the library.  ( 4)  Mrs.  Doris
                                      Allensworth files student records in the counselors office.  (5) Coach Al  Hansen tells Tom.
                                      Branch how to use  a shop drill.

                                                                                 Opening Section/ Faculty -
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