Page 13 - saugus1976yearbook
P. 13

Saugus High,  the third high
                                                                      school in the Wm.  S.  Hart
                                                                      School District,  was the result of


                                                                      in the Santa Clarita Valley.  The
                                                                      site in Bouquet Canyon,  formerly
                                                                      a dairy,  was purchased and plans
                                                                      for the school began in February
                                                                        The first problem was the con-
                                                                      struction of a permanent flood
                                                                      control channel.  Once an agree-
                                                                      ment had been reached,  the pro-
                                                                      gram moved ahead.
                                                                        Harry T.  McDonald and Assoc.
                                                                      was selected as architect.  The
                                                                      groundbreaking ceremony,  Octo-
                                                                      ber 24,  1973,  was the official
                                                                      beginning of construction.
                                                                        The campus was divided into
                                                                      two phases.  Phase I,  buildings A
                                                                      through J,  was built by ARGO
                                                                      Construction,  Inc.  Phase II,  with
                                                                      a later completion date,  was
                                                                      constructed by Western Alta.
                                                                        Dr.  Myron Sproul was selected
                                                                      principal effective July 1974.  In
                                                                      October selections for area
                                                                      chairman,  assistant principal,
                                                                      librarian,  athletic director,  and
                                                                      head counselor were announced.
                                                                      The remainder of the staff was
                                                                      selected in April 1975.
                                                                        Special thanks for work above
                                                                      and beyond the call of duty is in
                                                                      order for the following people.
                                                                      Dr.  Ed  Fickenscher worked tire-
                                                                      lessly to sprearhead all phases of
                                                                      planning and building.  Mr.  Ray
                                                                      Johnson,  ARGO  contractor,
                                                                      developed a close relationship
                                                                      with the staff which led to a bet-
                                                                      ter plant in many ways.  Mr.
                                                                      Larry Leggett,  electrician gave
                                                                      much time and effort to the
                                                                      details so important to the func-
                                                                      tioning of a school.

                                                                          Opening Section /  Construction - 9
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