Page 16 - saugus1977yearbook
P. 16

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          8augus 8huffle-

          individ ual registration

          for Centurions was a first.  Devel-
          oped by Mr.  Ed  Murdock,  head
          counselor,  and patterned after Han
          High' s system,  it allowed students
          to select the period and teachers
          they wanted for previously approved
            Held the week before classes
          began, students were able to pur-
          chase ASB  cards,  yearbooks,  and
          have ID pictures taken while at
          school to register.
            Done in September on a trial
          basis,  the Shuffle was so well
          received that it was repeated in
            Centurions,  grouped by grade and
          in random alphabetical sets,  met in
          the MPR for general instructions.
          The next step took place in the gym
          where students exchanged name
          cards for class cards.  Cards were
          checked, by volunteer helpers,  a
          final schedule was made out, then a
          quick trip through the locker,  ASB,
          yearbook and picture lines and the
          students were ready to go.


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