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                   Goal 8

                          Adults and young adults in Santa Clarita will possess the literacy skills necessary
                          to lead fulfilled and productive lives.

                          Objective 8.1    At least 20 adults and young adults will receive ongoing literacy instruction
                                        through the library in FY 2011-12, increasing by at least 10 persons each
                                        year through FY 2013-14.

                             Recommended  Activities
                                 Library staff will encourage use of library facilities by tutor-learner groups.
                                 Library staff will explore options for funding to support the formation of a structured
                                 library-based adult basic literacy program in the library.


                   As previously noted, by the close of December 2011, data from three to six months of service
                   activity will be used to provide fully quantitative objectives for consideration by the City.

                   Best practice is for an annual extension of the plan, including its objectives. The extension should
                   incorporate any emerging trends in library use or minor changes in the Library's environment.

                   Typically, a comprehensive review of the strategic service plan is undertaken every three to five
                   years. If there are major changes in the Library's environment or in library use trends, then a
                   comprehensive review should occur earlier.

                   June 27, 2011                   Library Systems & Services, LLC              Page 10 of 10
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