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                   Goal 4

                          The Santa Clarita Public Library will ensure that all Santa Clarita residents have
                          free,  high-speed access to the Internet outside home, school or office.

                          Objective 4.1    Library patrons will log over 150,000 online sessions on public Internet
                                        computers in FY 2011-12, with annual increases of at least three percent
                                        each year through FY 2013-14 or until equipment capacity is reached.
                             Recommended  Activities

                                 The Library will provide a total of at least 80 public Internet computers in the three
                                 Santa Clarita Library facilities through FY 2013-14.

                          Objective 4.2    Library patrons will log over 10,000 online sessions via wireless access in
                                        FY 2011-12, with annual increases of at least five percent each year
                                        through FY 2013-14.

                             Recommended  Activities
                                 Wireless access will be available in all three branches of the Santa Clarita Public

                   Goal 5
                          Adults will have the information and resources needed to achieve career goals, and
                          lead fulfilled and enjoyable lives.

                          Objective 5.1    Library patrons will borrow at least __________ adult and juvenile non-
                                        fiction items in FY 2011-12, increasing by at least two percent each year
                                        through FY 2013-14.

                             Recommended  Activities
                                 The Library will maintain an up-to-date and growing collection of adult and juvenile
                                 non-fiction collection and will monitor the use and effectiveness of that collection.
                                 The Library will recognize the public’s need for a robust retrospective collection of
                                 materials and will maintain a depth of collection to satisfy that need.

                   June 27, 2011                   Library Systems & Services, LLC               Page 7 of 10
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