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The Santa Clarita Valley is fortunate to have a strong local media base that
                                              provides breaking news coverage, emergency information, stunning visuals,
                                              event coverage and an  unparalleled historic snapshot of our community
                                              that will be available for future generations.


                                                   For a City of more than 225,000  residents, Santa Clarita has a tight-knit community
                                                   with many clubs, organizations and  committees working diligently to offer services,
                                                   support, events and  resources to residents. These groups do everything from  planning
                                                   our long-running and  patriotically popular Fourth of July parade to organizing local
                                                   literacy events at our libraries and  chronicling our rich Western  heritage.

                     Business Organizations

                      Business is  booming in Santa Clarita thanks to the many networking groups that
                      offer resources and support to startups, work to attract new businesses to the area
                      and  provide support to current organizations. Being voted one of the most business
                      friendly cities in  Los Angeles County, Santa Clarita has  many community partners
                      to thank, from the Old Town  Newhall Association who plays a major role in the
                      revitalization of the area, to the Santa Clarita Auto Dealers Association who generates
                      millions in tax revenue every year.


                                                      Caring for our neighbors in  need, the environment and our community as a whole
                                                      has always been a priority. This can  be seen  in the more than 150  nonprofits in
                                                      the Santa Clarita Valley. We are fortunate to live in a city where so  many residents
                                                      give freely of their time and money to help others.

                                                            Residents would not experience the high quality of life we enjoy
                                                            in Santa Clarita without our exceptional education partners. From
                                                            the diverse offerings of higher education institutions to our
                                                            award-winning school districts, Santa Clarita students will
                                                            be academically prepared to take on the world.

                                              Theatres/ Arts

                                              With the revitalization of Old Town  Newhall, the premier arts district in
                                              the City, several galleries and a wide range of artistic organizations, Santa
                                              Clarita residents benefit from the creative economy and experiences
                                              provided by the arts community.
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