Page 6 - scvhs19761979minutes
P. 6

Hrs.  Jeazme  Lit'tle,  Librariaa
             Valencia  LibrtU7
             23743  Valencia  Blv••
             Valencia,  Oalif.  91355

             Dear  Mrs.  Little&
                    !he Valencia  Library baa  been most  cooperative  during
             iihe  past C: in helping meabera  ot  our Soo1ety,  aad  we  all
             wish  to  t  , ·     you  aD4  your  staff•
                    O\u"rentl7,  we  are · eapeoial.17  appreo1at1 ve  of  the  fine
             service,  eooperatioa,.  and  help  given  on  the  use  &DA.  re-or4er-
             1as aud  second  utag of  ,1t.e  film  •st                 Ooaoh"•  fhia  pronde4
             us  with valuable  historic views  of  Be  1e•a  Out.

                                                        Santa  Olarita Valley Historical Society
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