Page 14 - scvhs19801989minutes
P. 14

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                       After  writing  to  Ralph  Cryder  with  the  proposal  which  I
                am  giving  to  all  the  directors,  he  called  back  and  said  he  was

                presenting  it  immediately  to  the  Planning  Committee  of  Park
                and  Recreation.         I  talked  to  him  again  Monday,  February  11  after
   Q            the  Committee  had  met  and  he  said  "Conceptually,  we  have  no

                problem  with  this.  It  sounds  like  a  viable  project."

                       However,  he  added  the  whole  thing  would  depend  on  approval

                by  the  5th  District  by  which  he  meant  Joan  and  Baxter  and  he
                said  that  s_ince  Tuesday  was  a  holiday  and  the  Supervisors  were
                therefore  meeting  on  Wednesday,  joan  would  be  downtown  and  he

                would  make  a  point  of  seeing  her.            I  had  already  sent  Jo~  a
                copy  of  our  proposal.  I  was  in  San  Francisco  airport  waiting
                for  a  plane  when  I  finally  got  Joan  on  the  telephone  downtown.

                She  said  that  she  had  earlier,  working  with  Betty  Pember,
                strongly  supported  the  idea  of  moving  the  station  to  Hart  Pa~k
                and  could  not  understand  whey  the  idea  appeared  to  have  been

                dropped.      I  explained  to  her  that  we  had  thought  we  might  have
                some  land  donated  outright  to  the  project  but  that  had  proved
                not  to  be  the  case  and  so  once  more  we  were  very  eager  to
                pursue  the  park  project,.  Joan  said  the  only  roadblock  she  had

                run  in  to  before  was  a  little  gruml;)ling  from  Park  and  Recreation.
                I  told  her  Mr.  Cryder  seemed  to  be  reasonably  favorable  and

                she  said  splendid,  she  would  go  right  downstairs  and  talk  to  him:.

                       I  talked  to  Mr.  Cryder  again  Thufsday  and  he  is  awaiting
                a  note  from  Joan  saying  she  has  Baxter's  approval.  I  hope

                things  happen  that  way.  As  soon  as  as  he  gets  the  go-ahead

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