Page 5 - scvhs19801989minutes
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SCVHS      rd  of  Director's  Minutes  for  Jan.  2,  1980                                               Page  2.

 The  actual  pricing.of  bulk  quantities  was  assigned  to  the  discretion  of  the  Baord  of  Directors.
 ~rs.  Newhall  suggested  assigning  a  certain  quantity  to  t~e  local  schools.
 Ca1"':i\dar  Report:  Chairman  Tom  Maspn  was  given  a  round  of !applause  in  appreciation  -.of  his  efforts
 to\,  )1erate  ca1endar  sales.  Approximately  650  were  distributed  of  which  300+  had  been  sold  in
 addfti on  to  the  supply  ordered  by  SCV  Nat' l  Bank  and  The  Lyorfs  Station.

 Photos  from  St.  Francis  Dam  Report:  The  president  proudly  displayed  photos  from  the  St.  Francis
 Dam  Dedication  and  ordered  a  tnank  you  letter  be  sent  to  the  Dept.  of  Water  and  Power ..  It  was
 suggested  to  write  Mr.  Nelson  and  request  the  negative  as  multi~le  prints  could  be  made  less
  costly  if  then         es  were  available.  Mr.  Nel         had  also  previously  indicat~g  through  Mimi
  rlhi te  that  the        plaque  could  be  corrected         the  site  area.                   cf}

  ~orning  Events:  Helen  Blancher  reported  the  following:  Jan.  16th  SCVHS  Annual  Meeting  and  Elect~
  i0n  tu  be  held  at  7:30  pm  -Old  Orchard  School,  Valehcia:  Jan.  21st  -9:30  am  Parks  & Rec.  Docent
  Training  at  Placerita  Nature  Centure;  Feb.  8-9  Conferc.°Y11ce  of  Calif.  Historical  Societies  lOam~
  to  7pm.  A  special  prize  will  be  g1ven,to  the  group  with  the  largest  attendance.
  Genealogy  Study  Class  headed  by  Mr.  D;:¾!rickson  at  COC  w111  commence  Jan.  31st  .  Six  week  course
  on  Thurs~  8-9:30  pm  will  cost  $15.  (non  credit)               ·

  Correspondence: __  Mrs.  Blancher  reported  the  fo 11 owing:  ce::tter-,:::-:from  letter  from  5elti na r  Group
  solicitiing  reservatfons  for  Seminar  on  "How  to  Solicit  Big  Gifts"  -action:  No  response  as
  seminar  thoug     to  be  too 1 too  expensive.  letter  from  member  Connie  Worden  received  announcing
  her  r~signation  from  SCVHS.  Reasons:Heavy  schedule,  out  of  town  commitments  and  new  work  load.
  Action:  Acceptance  by  the  Board  noted  with  regrets.  Letter  from  Jane  Facince  o·ffering  book  pur-
  chase  of  the  History  of  Titusville.  Action:  None.

  Dr.  Wood  Foundation:     It was  moved  by  Mimi  White,  sec~nded  by  Helen  Blan:J,er  to  approve  a  $115>.00
  donation  to  the  Dr.  Wood  Foundation  in  memory  of  his  service  to  the  Calif.  Historical  Societies.
    ~                                                                                                                .
    \   e:  consensus.
  ~e~oership  Report:  Annual  Dues  billing  reminder  w111  again  be  put  in  the  next  riewstett~r.  Dead-
  1 ine  date  for  a11aues  is  Mar.  31st.  If  dues  renewals. are  not  received  prior  to.  that  date, '110n
  paid  up  member  nam~s  will  be  removed  from  the  ma111ng  liit.
  Motion:  It  was  moved  by  Jo  Anne  Darcy,  seconded  by  Mimi  White  and  carried  to  assign  Ruth  Newhall
  to  the  important  task  of  composing  a  draft  letter  to  corporations  and  associations  requesting
  their  donations  and  membership  1n  the  SCVHS,  listing  the  Saugus  Depot  "as  one  of  the  many  pro-
  jects  of  the  Society.  11

  ~onorary  Memberships:      It was  moved  by  Ruth  Newhall,  seconded  by  Walt  Klinger  and  carried  to
  retain  honorary  memberships  for  one  year  or  longer  and  in  most  cases  to  reta1n until  that  recipi-
  ent  is  no  longer  living.  11
  Ventura  County  Historical  Society  Report:  Ruth  Newhall  reported  that  she  had  been  contacted  by
  the  Society  to  solicit  pictures  for  a  new  public.at1on  In  and  Around  Ventura."  As  the  date  con-
  tacted  was  late,  she  replied  in  the  negative  for  the  society.
  Salute  to  the  F1aq_; __  Pat  Comi!?y  suggested  that  the  society  stand  to  salute  the  flag  a.Ji  all  meetings
  held,  It  was  argued  that  this  procedure  was  done  respectfully  at  all  General  Meetings  but  was  not
  always  done  at  Board  Meet1ngs.  Reason:  An  American  Flag  was  not  always  available.
  ~airyville  Tour:  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Legasse  were  thanked  for  their  efforts  1n  providing  the  tour  of
  the  Met ryville  Horne.  Carol  Legasse  in  turn  thanked  her  docent's  helpers  and  praised  the  efforts
  of  the  committee  involved.
  rid(  rnment:  It  was  moved  by  Jo  Anne  Darcy,  seconded  by  Helen  Blancher  and  carded  to  adjourn
  thtc  .. 1eeting  at  9:18  p.m.  Next  meeting  to  be  held  on  Jan.  16th  01d  Orchard  School   7:30  pm.
  The  next  Board  of  Director.'.s  Meeting  tentat1vely  set  for  Monday.,  Feb.  4th  at  the  NSV  Chamber.
  Respectfully  submitted,

  Jo  Anne  Darcy,  Corr.  Secy.  SCV  Historical  Society
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