Page 6 - scvhs19801989minutes
P. 6

Santa  Clarita  Valley  Hletorical  Society
                                                                                 Board  of  Directors'  meeting

                                                                                   Monday,  February  4,  1980


          ·l.  Approval  of  minutes  of  January  2.

           2.  Treasurer's  Report
               .  Paul  Kline

           3.  Correspondi.n.c-e
                 Helen  Blancher
           4.  Membership
                 Ed  Blancher

           5.  Progr:,:.::,
                 E~::: u  $pt2:ncer

           6.  Hist<.,  ·ical ·•JSp
                 Wal.:.  Klinger

           7.  C0: .:,::.:. .:. tees

          8.  S.:,   ~  sta~ion  report
                  .. ·· :. c:,:ia  Neal-Harris
                 ..,:. -~ cussior.

          9.  Goals  for  1980
               Ruth  Newhall

          10.  Other  business

          11.  .:\.<l __  ournment

                                                                                       .----  --·
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