Page 23 - sfdcoronersinquest
P. 23

1              Q.

           2      back of it it would cause an upward pressure upon the dam itself,

           3      would it not?

           4              A




           8              A      It would run off down into the canyon?4.own  into

           9                     Did you see that water yourself?.,_.

          10              A.     Oh, yes.
          11                     Will you describe to the jury what was its appearance?

          12              A      The water OUl8  out of          th•  leak and it was as clear as glass.

          14              Q.     Was it carrying any silt in it?
          15              A      No sir.

          16              Q,     Was it carrying anything from the hill?

          17              A      Yes, from the hill         .,ut below where we stood.

          18                     How about     ._. from the place where it broke through

          20              A      It was clear water.

           21                    Below this dam isn't there some tunnels that connect with the aqueduct proper?

           23             A

           2·4                   How did you draw the water from the aqueduct?

           25                    WE ran it down in a concrete adit, a conduit that run

           27                    How does it go to that place?

           28             A      Rigght down the main canyon in a concreted channel.

           29                    Are therethere  arq- tunnels leadingft'oDl  this channel?

           30             A      None whatsoever, that is,             -....,. the old stream bed.

           31             Q,     How do you take care of the flood waters?

           32             A      The flood waters run down there.

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