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                                               COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES
                                                 PROJECT NO. 04-075-(5)

               1.      The  Hearing Officer  of  Los Angeles County, Ms.  Gina Natoli,  conducted  a  duly
                       noticed public meeting in the matter of a Second Amendment to Vesting Tentative
                       Tract Map No. 060922 (Amendment) and Conditional Use Permit Modification No.
                       RPPL 2017009424 on November 7, 2017.

               2.      The Amendment proposes the following changes to the approved Vesting Tentative
                       Tract Map No. 060922 (TR 060922):

                       •  Reconfiguration of single-family residence lots,
                       •  Adjustments to pad elevations, private streets and private drives and fire lanes,
                       •  Substitution of    one multi-family  residence lot developed with 188  detached,
                          single-family residence condominium units with 156 single-family residence lots,

               3.      Only items proposed for modification are considered by the Hearing Officer at the
                       public  meeting.  All other project  features  and conditions remain as previously
                       approved.  The conditions of approval provide for appropriate mitigation measures.

               4.      The subject site is located west of Sierra Highway, south of Vasquez Canyon Road,
                       and north of the City of Santa Clarita in the Sand Canyon Zoned District.

               5.      The irregularly-shaped property is vacant  and undeveloped,  in a  mostly natural
                       condition with level to steeply sloping topography.

               6.      Access to the proposed development is provided by Whites Canyon/Plum Canyon
                       Roads and Sierra Highway.

               7.      The project site is currently zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residence, 5,000 Square Feet
                       Minimum Required Lot Area), A-2-2 (Heavy Agricultural, 2 Acres Minimum Required
                       Lot Area) and A-1-2 (Light Agricultural, 2 Acres Minimum Required Lot Area).

               8.      Surrounding zoning includes Zone A-2-2 to the north, Zone A-2-1 and the City of
                       Santa Clarita to the south, Zones A-2-2, A-1-1 (Light Agricultural, 1 Acre Minimum
                       Required Lot Area), A-1-2 and R-1 to the east and Zones A-2-2, O-S, RPD-6,000-
                       5.9U, RPD-20,000-2.4U and the City of Santa Clarita to the west.

               9.      The subject property consists of undeveloped lots.  Surrounding uses include vacant
                       lots and single-family residences to the north, south, east and west.

               10.     The project  is  consistent with the  Zone  R-1  classification  and project  design
                       complies with the  area requirements  of the zone.   Residential development is
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