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                                            COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

               PROJECT NUMBER 04-075-(5)

               REQUEST: Elimination or modification to conditions of approval to previously approved
               Conditional Use Permit No. 04-075. Conditions No. 1, 23-26, 33, 34, 61, 63, and 65 as
               modified, shall read as follows:

               1.      #1 “This grant authorizes the use of the subject property in urban and non-urban
               hillside area for 1,032  single-family residential lots, three multi-family residential  lots
               developed with 188 new, detached single-family residence condominium units, 17 open
               space lots, one public park and five private recreation lots, 1 public school lot, three water
               tank and booster station lots, 12 debris basin lots and 13 private drive and fire lane lots, a
               density-controlled development to cluster the residential lots on the southern portion of the
               project site with reduced lot size to 5,000 to 21,726 net square  feet,  on-site grading
               exceeding 100,000 cubic yards within Zones A-2-2 (Heavy Agricultural-Two Acre minimum
               Required Lot Area), and  R-1 (Single-Family Residence-5,000 Square Feet Minimum Lot
               Size) on 2,173.25 acres as depicted on the approved exhibit map marked Exhibit “A”
               (dated September 27, 2017) or an approved revised Exhibit “A”, subject to the following
               conditions of approval.”

               2.      #23 “The permittee shall provide for the ownership and maintenance of private
               recreation  Lot  Nos. 1037 through 1041 by an HOA to the satisfaction of Regional

               3.      #24 “The permittee shall dedicate to the County of Los Angeles the right to prohibit
               construction of any residential structures on the public school site depicted on the Exhibit
               “A” as Lot No. 1036, and on the open space areas depicted on the approved Exhibit “A” as
               public park Lot No. 1042 and private recreation Lots No. 1037 through 1041.”

               4.      #25 “The permittee shall dedicate open space Lot Nos. 1043 through 1059 to the
               County of Los Angeles or other public agency to the satisfaction of Regional Planning.  The
               dedication shall contain language requiring that access for emergency purposes shall not
               be prohibited over said open space lots.”

               5.      #26 “The permittee shall dedicate to the County of Los Angeles the right to prohibit
               development, including construction of any structures and grading, on the open space
               areas as depicted on the Exhibit “A” as open space Lots No. 1043 through 1059.”

               6.      #33 “Prior to issuance of any building permit, a site plan including exterior elevations
               and floorplans shall be submitted to and approved by the Director, as a revised Exhibit “A”.”
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