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COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES                                                          Page 1/7
                    DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS
                    TRACT NO.  60922 (Amend.)                         TENTATIVE MAP DATED 11-16-2016
                                                                      EXHIBff "A" MAP DATED 11-16-2016

                    The subdivision shall conform to the following conditions/requirements, or as otherwise
                    required by Public Works, to the Department's satisfaction:

                    1.    The minimum centerline radius is 350 feet on all local streets with 64 feet of right
                           of way and on all the streets where grades exceed 10 percent.

                    2.    Curves through  intersections should be avoided when possible.  If unavoidable,
                          the  alignment shall  be adjusted  so  that the  proposed  BC  and  EC  of the  curve
                          through  the  intersection  are  set  back  a  minimum  of  100  feet  away  from  the
                           BCR's of the intersection.

                    3.     Reversing curves and compound curves through intersections should be avoided
                          when  possible.  If  unavoidable,  the  minimum  centerline  radius  of  reversing
                           curves  and  compound  curves  through  intersections  shall  comply  with  design
                           speeds  per  the  Subdivision  Plan  Checking  Section's  "Requirements  for  Street
                           Plans" and sight distances.

                    4.     The minimum centerline  radius on  a local street with an intersection street on the
                           concave side shall comply with design speeds per the Subdivision Plan Checking
                           Section's "Requirements for Street Plans" and  sight distances.

                    5.     The central angles of the right of way radius returns shall not differ by more than
                           1 O degrees on local streets.

                    6.     Driveways will not be permitted within 25 feet upstream of any catch basins when
                           street grades exceed 6 percent.

                    7.     Provide  minimum  landing  area  of 100 feet for local  collectors  at a maximum 3
                           percent grade on all "tee" intersections.

                    8.     At tee intersections involving local streets, the maximum permissible grade of the
                           through street across the  intersection  is  10 percent.  For intersections involving
                           multi-lane  highways,  the  maximum  permissible  grade  of the  through  street  is
                           three percent.  For 4-legged intersections, the maximum permissible grade of the
                           through street is 8 percent.

                    9.     Permission  is  granted  to  vacate  the  excess  right  of way  on  Vasquez  Canyon
                           Road  providing the  adjoining property owners have the  underlying ownership of
                           the portion of street to be vacated.  40  feet of right of way from  centerline shall
                           be retained  on Vasquez Canyon Road.  Easement shall be provided for all utility
                           companies that have facilities remaining within the vacated area.
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