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COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES                                                           Page 2/7
                  TRACT NO.  60922 /Amend.)                         TENTATIVE MAP DATED 11-16-2016
                                                                    EXHIBIT "A" MAP DATED 11-16-2016

                  10.    Dedicate  slope  and  drainage/maintenance  easements  for  future  widening  on
                         Vasquez Canyon Road to the satisfaction of Public Works.

                  11.    Permission is granted to vacate  all  excess  easements  and  right of way acquired
                         by  dedication  on  Tract  No.'s 44967,  49433,  49434  by  the  recordation  of Tract
                        No. 60922 to the satisfaction of Public and the Department of Regional Planning.
                        Easement shall be provided for all utility companies that have facilities remaining
                        within the vacated area.

                  12.   Dedicate vehicular access rights  on  Skyline  Ranch  Road  and  Vasquez Canyon
                        Road  for  all  lots,  unless  the  Department  of  Regional  Planning  requires  the
                        construction of a wall.  In such cases, complete access rights shall be dedicated.

                  13.   Provide  standard  property  line  return  radii  of  13  feet  at  all  local  street
                        intersections,  and  27  feet  at the  intersection  of local  streets  with  General  Plan
                        Highways and  where  all  General  Plan  Highways intersect,  or to  the  satisfaction
                        of this Department.

                  14.   Dedicate  right  of way  on  Skyline  Ranch  Road  commensurate  with  the  typical
                        sections  shown  on  the  tentative  map  and  alignment  per  the  latest  approved
                        I.E.C.  P-291  which  supersedes  P-270.  The  alignment  and  grade  of  Skyline
                        Ranch Road shall be compatible with Tract 46018.

                  15.   Dedicate  additional  right  of  way  at  all  proposed  roundabout  locations  to  the
                        satisfaction of Public Works.

                 16.    Dedicate  off-site  right  of way  on  Skyline  Ranch  Road  commensurate  with  the
                        typical sections shown on the tentative map from Sierra Highway to the southerly
                        property line and alignment per the  latest approved  1.E.C. P-291.  It shall be the
                        sole responsibility of the subdivider to  acquire the necessary right of way.

                  17.   Comply  with  the  mitigation  measures  identified  in  the  attached  September  18,
                        2008 memoranda/letter from  our Traffic and  Lighting  Division  to  the  satisfaction
                        of Public Works.  Be  advised  that 'Main  Street  North  and  Main  Street South'  as
                        identified  in  the  memoranda/letter  has  been  changed  to  'Loop  Road'.      If
                        identified  in  the  traffic  study,  prepare  Traffic  Signal  Plans  for  all  intersections
                        (both on-site and off-site) affected by this subdivision to the satisfaction of Public
                        Works.  If the  project wishes to  delay any of the  improvements,  a supplemental
                        traffic  study  determining  the  phasing  of  the  improvements  will  need  to  be
                        submitted for review and approval by Traffic and Lighting.

                 18.    Comply  with  the  approved  conceptual  signing  and  striping  plans  for  Skyline
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