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44    THE  INFAMOUS  'COAST!  Escape  the  Southern
          California  smog  with  this  trip  for  four to  The
          City.  PSA  will provide  round-trip transportation
          from  Hollywood/Burbank  and  you'll  have  ac-
          comodations  at a  fashionable  Union Square hotel.
          The  four  of  you  will  get  a  special  insider's
          look  at  San  Francisco's  Barbary  Coast  with
          its  flashy  and  naughty  reputation.  Dine  at  one
          of  the  spectacular  clubs,  and  meet  a  topless
          dancer.  The  rest  of  The  City  is  yours  for
          the entire weekend.
          Value:  Boggles the mind
                                Pacific Southwest Airlines
                                         The Condor  Club

          A  STREET  IN  YOUR  NAME.  A  new  street  in
    45    the  community  of  Valencia  will  be  given  your
          name  or  the name of your choice!  The name will
          be  subject  to  the  acceptance  of the Street Nam-
          ing  Committee  of  Los  Angeles  County and must
          conform  to their requirements.  Once christened
          it'll be on the maps forever!                 '
                              Newhall  Land & Farming Co.
                                                                   HAPPY  BIRTHDAY!!  The  party  of  the  year  for
         PEEK  AT  THE  STARS.  A  special  evening  for  48       your  youngster:  his  entire birthday entourage of
    4 6                                                            up  to  12 guests  will be  catered in your own home
         a  family  of  5  at  the  famous  Griffith  Observa-
         tory  in  Los  Angeles.  Attend the evening Planet-       with  all  the  Big  Macs,  Fries,  and  Coke  that
         arium  show  as  an invited guest and look through        the  kids  can  eat,  and  the  party  will  be hosted
         their  giant  refracting  telescope,  with  a  pro-       by  Ronald  McDonald  himself.  Furthermore  the
         fessional  astronomer,  at  any  celestial  objects       party  will  be  reported  as  a  social  event  in the
         of  your  choice.  See  the  craters  on  the  moon       local newspaper.
         and the  rings of Saturn!                                                                     Don  Olsen
                            The Griffith Park Observatory                                        McDonald's  Corp.

         retreat:  a  17-acre  forested  island  of  your  own  4 9
         KING  OF  THE  ISLAND.  The  ultimate  vacation
    4  7                                                           Crash!   Bang!  BOOM!  Smash  up  cars  to  your
                                                                   heart'ss  delight! By popular demand, racing cham-
         for  one  week.  Bedford  Island  lies  in  Southern      pion ''Wild  Bill''  Foster  is  again  offering  you
         Oregon at the  mouth of the Nehalem River.  Spend         a  ride  in  a  destruction  derby car.  You'll get to
         a  week a way  from  it  all  - hiking,  exploring,       act  like  a  madman  in  one  of  the  summer Des-
         crabbing,  clamming,  fishing for salmon, or watch-       truction Derbies  at  the  Saugus  Speedway.  It's
         ing  the  wildlife.  You'll  have  to  bring  your  own   Wm- $100,  Place- $75,  and  Show  - $50  so if
         tent,  and  camping gear and be prepared to  rough        you  ' re  earless  enough,  you may come out ahead
         it - but you'll love it!                                  on  this prize!
                                     Bill & Molly Bedford                                          Mr.  Bill Foster

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