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14    DECADENCE REBORN.  Your choice of opulence:
              a  champagne  luncheon  at  poolside  or  an  extra-
              vagant  evening  meal  for  8,  hosted  by  you  at
              the  90-year-old  Newhall  Mansion  in  Piru.  The
              luncheon  will  entitle  you to use of the  swimming
              pool  and  sipping  champagne  in  the  jacuzzi  bath
              (served  by  an  attractive  waitress)  and  a  full-
              course  lunch  on  antique  silver  service  served
              by  a  professional  butler.  If you  choose the din-
              ner,   you  will  sip  vintage  wines  and  a  cham-
              pagne  with  a  four-course  meal  in  the  lavish
              panelled dining  room.  The house and grounds are
              yours for the day.  Time to be arranged.
              Value:  $250           Mr.  &  Mrs.  ScottNewhall

        15    A  LITTLE  SPLURGE.  A  mystery  gift  to  you
              from  Tiffany  &  Company,  exquisite  jewelers
              of  New  York.  Better  than  a  breakfast,  a  per-
              manent  keepsake.  Only  your  winning  bid  will
              reveal the  contents .
              Value:  Approximately  $25        Tiffany  &  Co.

                                                             16    LEGAL  EAGLE.  Have you been injured and can't
                                                                   collect?  Or  have  you  been  wrongly  accused?
                                                                   Has your partner done you in? The major question:
                                                                   Can  you  sue,  or  defend  yourself?  Get  the  ans-
                                                                   wer  from  Counsellor-at-law  Melvin  Belli  of
                                                                   San  Francisco,  the  attorney  who  can  convert
                                                                   a  broken  finger  into  an  income  for  life,  the
                                                                   lawyer for Jack Ruby and other famous defendants.
                                                                   Mr.  Belli  will  personally  research  and prepare
                                                                   a  two-page  opinion  on  your  own  legal  problem,
                                                                   present  or  anticipated.  The  best  legal  advice
                                                                   to  be had.
                                                                   Value:  A Fortune!             Mr.  Melvin Belli

                                                             17    FROM  RUSSIA  WITH  LOVE.  If you've  already
                                                                   got  an  American  flag,  here's  the  perfect  com-
                                                                   plement  - and  a  true  collector's  item.  A  flag
                                                                   of  the  Soviet  Union  flown  over  the  Embassy  of
                                                                   the  U.S.S.R.  in  Washington,  D.C.  For  the  first
                                                                   time  ever,  this  three-by-five-foot  flag  is  being
                                                                   presented  from  the  embassy  as  a  gift  of  the
                                                                   people  of  the  Soviet  Union  (home  land  of  Olga
                                                                   Korbut  and  Ivan  The  Terrible.)  Pan  American
                                                                   Airways  has  flown  it  to  Valencia  as  a  symbol
                                                                   of friendship between nations.
                                                                                            Embassy of the U.S.S.R.
                                                                                      Pan American World Airways.
              SEANCE.  Eight  people  around  a  table  will  be
              guided  by  a  professional  medium  to  the  World
              Beyond.  They  will  meet  at  your  home  or  at
              a  place  of  your  choosing.  This  is  your  chance     I'm Sorry ... Our
              to  establish  communication  with  those who  have      Manager       can't
              gone  on  and  to  witness  the wor kings  of myster-
              ious  forces.                                            see you now,...He's
              Value:  $100
                                                                        Busy Pitching !

             GOOD  GRIEF!  One  of  the  hardest,  yes,  hardest
             originals  to  come  by  of  any  contemporary  art-
             ist:  an  original  ''Peanuts''  comic  strip  done  in
             the  hand  of Charles  Schulz  himself.  The  30''
             x  7''  work  is  framed  with  a  beautiful  mat bor-
             der.  The  strip  appeared  nationally  on  April  6,
             1973.  For a  "Peanuts" lover, it's priceless.
             Value:  $250                     Charles Schulz
                                     United Feature Syndicate

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